Transform Data Task - intermittent failure

  • We have a package which runs as a job overnight that calls various sub packages.

    In the main, each of the packages perform the same actions.

    SQL Task - Clear the contents of a table

    ActiveX tasks - executes a routine on our legacy system (cache) to populate a table on it

    Transform data task - using simple copy column option to copy the data from the cache table to SQL table

    There is no problem with any of the servers being down, but from time to time the Transform data task fails and when re-run (with no other changes having been made) then works ?!?

    Error logging doesnt seem to provide any useful details.

    Has anyone experienced this before and know how to get round it, or know of the best ways to trap all events/errors.


  • What version of SQL Sever are you running?  SQL Server 2000 error logging is very intuitive and will provide src/dest error rows in separate text files if possible.  If you are using SQL7, eh, you'll have to come up with some other sort of error logging.  I assume you have the package set up within a job on the SQL Server Job system -> correct?

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