Scheduling DTS to run Access report

  • I wrote a DTS package with ActiveXScript Task using VBscript to run Ms Access report to snapshot viewer. It worked when I click Execute button. When I send to Scheduling, it hadn't done anything. It's running forever until I cancel the job.

    Here is my Code. Can you tell me any wrong or how can make it run for scheduling. Thanks.

    Function RunUnder18DeletionReport ()

    Dim objAccess

    dim strSql

        strSql = "SET CONCAT_NULL_YIELDS_NULL OFF " & _

      "SELECT Minors.CourtYear, Minors.DistrictCode, Minors.CourtCode, Minors.DistrictCode + Minors.CourtCode CourtCde,  " & _

      "JurorNumber,  TownCode,  LastName + ' ' +  FirstName + ' ' +  MI + ' ' +  Suffix Name,   DOB,  Address1,  Address2,  " & _

      "City,  State,  Zip1,  DisqualStatus, DistrictDescription, CourtDescr " & _

      "FROM (Minors INNER JOIN Districts ON (Minors.DistrictCode = Districts.DistrictCode) AND (Minors.CourtYear = Districts.CourtYear))  " & _

      "INNER JOIN Court ON (Minors.CourtCode = Court.CourtCode) AND (Minors.DistrictCode = Court.DistrictCode) AND (Minors.CourtYear =Court.CourtYear) " & _

      "Where DisqualStatus = 'X';"

            Set objAccess = CreateObject("Access.Application")

            objAccess.OpenCurrentDatabase "C:\Jamis\Admin\Reports1.mdb"

             objAccess.Run "PassthroughQuery", "qryDeleteUnder18", strSql, "ODBC;DSN=SqlServer;UID=Jamis;PWD=Watcher;Trusted_Connection=Yes"

            objAccess.DoCmd.OutputTo 3, "rptDeleteUnder18", "Snapshot Format", "C:\Jamis\Admin\Reports\rptDeleteUnder18.snp", False



            RunUnder18DeletionReport = DTSTaskExecResult_Success

    End Function

  • It sounds like a permission issue.  Since you are using Trusted_Connection, make sure that the logged in user has the appropriate permissions to access the Data Source.  You may also wish to include objaccess.DoCmd.SetWarnings(0) to turn off system messages and modal dialog boxes from appearing on the server during unattended execution.  Hope this helps.

  • in addition to the permissions problem, if you are being prompted, the the job will appear to "hang".  sometimes when you run something like this through a job the system will attempt to prompt you.  since it is unattended no one responds.

    Curtis Smith
    SQL Server DBA
    Well in worked in Theory ...

  • I think permission problem. I unclick box "Only user with SysAdmin ...." and I set to Proxy Account to my ID. I delete the job and create a new job. I still hang. When I look in the PackageLog table, I see the operator is NT Authority/System. Is it mean that this user run the job schedule and It doesn't have SysAdmin Previlige. How can I set it up to SysAdmin PRevilege? When I go to security and Login I don't see this user ID. Any Help? Thanks.

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