SP3a Upgrade Failure

  • Hi everyone, I am having a bit of an issue with trying to install sp3a. I am currently on sp2 and when I try and run the install of sp3a I get a "setup was unable to validate your password. Press retry to re-enter your password or press cancel to exit setup."

    Neither the sa login or the windows admin login work, although the sa pass is correct and the admin login has full access.

    I tried the fixes from MS's knowledge base article 814844 to no avail. I also installed MDAC 2.7 sp1 and it still fails. I have pretty much run out of ideas on this, other than backing everything up, removing sql server, doing a new install, restoring, and then upgrading. I REALLY don't want to have to do that, so if anyone can please help me I would be eternally grateful.


  • Have you rebooted? Does this server run as local system or an account? You've tried both methodsin 814844?

    Sorry, not sure what to do, but curious. Have you checked the log file? should be sqlsp.log or something like that in c:\windows

    Steve Jones




  • I have checked the log. Here are the final entries (the server name is torcom2, and the instance of sql is torcom2 as well, so to access it I use torcom2\torcom2):

    23:58:44 c:\temp\SqlSetup\Bin\scm.exe -Silent 1 -Action 6 -Service MSSQL$TORCOM2

    23:58:44 Process Exit Code: (0)

    23:58:44 c:\temp\SqlSetup\Bin\scm.exe -Silent 1 -Action 1 -Service MSSQL$TORCOM2 -StartupOptions \-T4010 \-T4022 \-m

    23:58:54 Process Exit Code: (0)

    23:58:54 C:\SQL2KS~1\x86\BINN\osql.exe -Slpc:TORCOM2\TORCOM2 -n -d master -Q "exit" -o "c:\temp\sqlsp.out" -Usa -P"

    23:58:54 Process Exit Code: (1)

    23:59:37 c:\temp\SqlSetup\Bin\scm.exe -Silent 1 -Action 6 -Service MSSQL$TORCOM2

    23:59:52 Process Exit Code: (0)

    23:59:54 Setup was unable to verify the state of the server for an upgrade. Verify the server is able to start and that you provided a valid sa password and restart setup.

    23:59:54 End Action DialogShowSdUpgrade

    23:59:54 End: ShowDialogs()

    23:59:54 Action CleanUpInstall:

    23:59:54 Installation Failed.

  • Is the server running? You might open the Services applet and be sure the server is started or even manually start it. I've seen places where it doesn't start in time.

    Steve Jones




  • quote:

    Is the server running? You might open the Services applet and be sure the server is started or even manually start it. I've seen places where it doesn't start in time.

    Steve Jones




    The server was running. Actually I tried it both ways, with the server running, and without.

  • One other trick I've seen sometimes work is to bring up the Client Network Utility (cliconfg.exe) and manually define the alias using Named Pipes. I've not had to resort to it myself, but it has worked for some.

    K. Brian Kelley


    Author: Start to Finish Guide to SQL Server Performance Monitoring


    K. Brian Kelley

  • quote:

    One other trick I've seen sometimes work is to bring up the Client Network Utility (cliconfg.exe) and manually define the alias using Named Pipes. I've not had to resort to it myself, but it has worked for some.

    K. Brian Kelley


    Author: Start to Finish Guide to SQL Server Performance Monitoring


    This worked. When I opened client network utility I saw that there were no enabled protocols on the server, which makes me wonder how anyone could communicate with the server. I enabled TCP/IP, set up the alias, and ran the sp3a install, and everything worked perfectly. Thanks for all of the help.

  • I had this one before.

    1. Check the temp dir space.

    2. Check the temp or tmp dirctory existing or has some space in the name of temp or tmp.

    My case is I don't have c:\temp in my server.

  • I've had this one before as well.

    I seem to remember changing the enviroment variables for tmp and temp (as Susan says above)


  • quote:

    I've had this one before as well.

    I seem to remember changing the enviroment variables for tmp and temp (as Susan says above)

    I had already tried the temp variable fixes, as I believe is on the Microsoft Site. What fixed it was using the client network utility and making sure a protocol was installed. Once that was done, everything ran just fine.

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