Query two DB's on two Servers

  • Hi. How can I connect to a second db on a different server with tsql. More to the point, I've got to be able to connect to another server in my union query.

    I appreciate any and all help.

    Thanks. I should also add that they're not linked.

    Edited by - peygham on 10/02/2003 11:36:47 AM

  • Create linked server the second server and query the table with four-part qualified name.

    select * from tabe1

    union all

    select * from linkedservername.dbname.dbo.table2

  • Thank you. I'll try it as soon as my dba links those two.

    Thanks again,

  • You can use openrowset() to return a something (I am not sure what) that can be included in a select statement as if it were a table in your current database. You just have to supply the connection string.


    to connect using ODBC:


    'DRIVER={SQL Server};SERVER=servername;UID=username;PWD=password',

    somedatabase.dbo.sometable) as a

    to connect using OLE:

    SELECT A.*

    FROM OPENROWSET('SQLOLEDB','servername';'username';'password',

    'exec somedatabase.dbo.SomeStoredProcedureThatReturnsACursor') AS A

    you can put any query in the quotes.

    It is very useful for loading data from other databases, eg Access tables


    INSERT INTO staff

    SELECT a.*

    FROM OPENROWSET('Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0',

    'c:\program files\mortgagepro\products.mdb';'Admin';'', 'select * from staff where source > 245')

    AS a

    Peter Tillotson

  • Thanks Peter. I'm able to run my sql once a link is established. But without one, I can't run distributed queries.

    Edited by - peygham on 10/03/2003 09:23:36 AM

  • I believe OPENROWSET works without linking the databases, as long as the PC you are running the query on can see the other server on the network. I may be wrong but it seems to work on my network.

    Peter Tillotson

  • OPENROWSET is slooooooow. Comapred to a linked server at least. The connection has to be established each time you run the query, kind of an ad-hoc linked server. Also, SQL2K SP3shuts off the peasants from running an OPENROWSET, the executing ID must be an admin account. You can change this, but it's done on a driver-by-driver basis in the registery. By 'driver', I mean the driver for the remote database...SQL Server, Jet (Access, Excel), Oracle, etc.

    This article deals with SQL7 but this is still an issue on 2000, by design.


    Also see "Configuring OLE DB Providers for Distributed Queries" under Administering SQL Server in BOL.

    NOTE that the keys are different if you are using a named instance of SQL


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    collosal hoax of clocks and calendars


    at us, very deafly, a most stares
    collosal hoax of clocks and calendars


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