Row chaining?

  • I wanted to know if there exists the concept of row chaining.

    For example, assume a table has a fillfactor of 100, and we add a column to it, for instance varchar(2000).

    I will think that there is no available space in the blocks for adding this data. So they might migrate to a different block causing a row chain.

    Does this concept apply? How does SQL server stores the new column?



  • I believe that SQL Server aranges its columns in a certain order (fixed data length first, etc.). Thus adding a new column may cause the entire table to be rebuilt.

    I also believe that all data for a row must be together. So if you were to add a value to your varchar(2000) and there is no room on that page, the page must be split into two pages.

    A single row cannot span more than one page. That is why there is a fixed limit on the data width of a row.

  • After further RTFM (thanks jxflagg... i didnt know I was referring to pages) I learned that SQL Server will split the pages and move one of them into an empty location, thus giving free space on both pages.

    The overhead is occurs when sppliting and moving. I gues SQL Server will also update the information on where to locate certain ROWIDs withing a table after the split operation.


  • Hey Oscar, this is SQL Server, not Oracle.

    AFAIK there is no such thing like ROWID in SQL Server.

    If you haven't bought it right now, it might be a good investment to spent $40 for Inside SQL Server 2000. This is the technical reference for SQL Server internals.


    Frank Kalis
    Microsoft SQL Server MVP
    My blog:[/url]

  • Each data page has a 96-byte header containing system information such as the identifier (ID) of the table that owns the page. The page header also includes pointers to the next and previous pages that are used if the pages are linked in a list.

  • That's right, when there is a clustered index on that table.

    You can examine each data page by running something like

    DBCC TRACEON(3604)
    DBCC PAGE(5,1,1,1)

    your results shoudl look like

    DBCC-Ausführung abgeschlossen. Falls DBCC Fehlermeldungen ausgegeben hat,
    wenden Sie sich an den Systemadministrator.

    PAGE: (1:1)


    BUF @0x00E05C40
    bpage = 0x195A2000 bhash = 0x00000000 bpageno = (1:1)
    bdbid = 5 breferences = 1 bstat = 0x9
    bspin = 0 bnext = 0x00000000


    Page @0x195A2000
    m_pageId = (1:1) m_headerVersion = 1 m_type = 11
    m_typeFlagBits = 0x0 m_level = 0 m_flagBits = 0x0
    m_objId = 99 m_indexId = 0 m_prevPage = (0:0)
    m_nextPage = (0:0) pminlen = 0 m_slotCnt = 1
    m_freeCnt = 2 m_freeData = 8188 m_reservedCnt = 0
    m_lsn = (7:85:8) m_xactReserved = 0 m_xdesId = (0:0)
    m_ghostRecCnt = 0 m_tornBits = 2

    Allocation Status
    PFS (1:1) = 0x44 ALLOCATED 100_PCT_FULL DIFF (1:6) = CHANGED
    ML (1:7) = NOT MIN_LOGGED


    Slot 0, Offset 0x60
    Record Type = PRIMARY_RECORD Record Attributes =
    195A2060: 1f9c0000 44444444 44440000 64746464 ....DDDD..DDddtd
    195A2070: 61647474 00004040 00000000 70707064 ttda@@......dppp
    195A2080: 60606060 60606061 70606070 60302060 ````a```p``p` 0`
    195A2090: 70606070 60302060 70606070 60706060 p``p` 0`p``p``p`
    195A20A0: 60606060 00000043 00000000 20606070 ````C.......p``
    195A20B0: 60706020 70607060 30206060 20302020 `p``p`p`` 0 0
    195A20C0: 30207064 40404040 40404040 30202030 dp 0@@@@@@@@0 0
    195A20D0: 61706120 60706070 30203020 61203020 apap`p` 0 0 0 a
    195A20E0: 30203020 20613020 60302030 64646360 0 0 0a 0 0``cdd
    195A20F0: 64646464 63706064 70607060 44444444 ddddd`pc`p`pDDDD
    195A2100: 00000042 70606060 60706060 60706070 B...```p``p`p`p`
    195A2110: 70606070 70607060 60706060 70607060 p``p`p`p``p``p`p
    195A2120: 60607060 70606070 60706062 70607060 `p``p``pb`p``p`p
    195A2130: 60706060 00007060 00000000 00000000 ``p``p..........
    195A2140: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
    195A2150: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
    195A2160: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
    195A2170: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
    195A2180: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
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    195A21B0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
    195A21C0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
    195A21D0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
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    195A21F0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
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    195A3E50: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
    195A3E60: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
    195A3E70: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
    195A3E80: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
    195A3E90: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
    195A3EA0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
    195A3EB0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
    195A3EC0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
    195A3ED0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
    195A3EE0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
    195A3EF0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
    195A3F00: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
    195A3F10: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
    195A3F20: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
    195A3F30: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
    195A3F40: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
    195A3F50: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
    195A3F60: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
    195A3F70: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
    195A3F80: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
    195A3F90: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
    195A3FA0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
    195A3FB0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
    195A3FC0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
    195A3FD0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
    195A3FE0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
    195A3FF0: 00000000 00000000 00000000 ............

    DBCC-Ausführung abgeschlossen. Falls DBCC Fehlermeldungen ausgegeben hat,
    wenden Sie sich an den Systemadministrator.


    Edited by - Frank Kalis on 12/17/2003 12:48:11 PM

    Edited by - Frank Kalis on 12/17/2003 12:50:59 PM

    Frank Kalis
    Microsoft SQL Server MVP
    My blog:[/url]

  • Actually mistyped it

    This is from Inside SQL Server

    DBCC TRACEON(3604)
    DBCC PAGE(5,1,88,1)

    PAGE: (1:88)


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    bpage = 0x19DB8000 bhash = 0x00000000 bpageno = (1:88)
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    Allocation Status
    PFS (1:1) = 0x20 MIXED_EXT 0_PCT_FULL DIFF (1:6) = CHANGED
    ML (1:7) = NOT MIN_LOGGED


    Slot 0, Offset 0x631
    Record Type = PRIMARY_RECORD
    19DB8631: 00180030 20383034 2d363934 33323237 0...408 496-7223
    19DB8641: 34394143 01353230 00000009 00330005 CA94025.......3.
    19DB8651: 003f0038 0058004e 2d323731 312d3233 8.?.N.X.172-32-1
    19DB8661: 57363731 65746968 6e686f4a 316e6f73 176WhiteJohnson1
    19DB8671: 32333930 67694220 52206567 654d2e64 0932 Bigge Rd.Me
    19DB8681: 206f6c6e 6b726150 nlo Park

    Slot 1, Offset 0xb8
    Record Type = PRIMARY_RECORD
    19DB80B8: 00180030 20353134 2d363839 30323037 0...415 986-7020
    19DB80C8: 34394143 01383136 00000009 00330005 CA94618.......3.
    19DB80D8: 00400038 00580051 2d333132 382d3634 8.@.Q.X.213-46-8
    19DB80E8: 47353139 6e656572 6a72614d 6569726f 915GreenMarjorie
    19DB80F8: 20393033 64723336 2e745320 31342320 309 63rd St. #41
    19DB8108: 6b614f31 646e616c 1Oakland

    Slot 2, Offset 0x110
    Record Type = PRIMARY_RECORD
    19DB8110: 00180030 20353134 2d383435 33323737 0...415 548-7723
    19DB8120: 34394143 01353037 00000009 00330005 CA94705.......3.
    19DB8130: 003f0039 0055004d 2d383332 372d3539 9.?.M.U.238-95-7
    19DB8140: 43363637 6f737261 6568436e 356c7972 766CarsonCheryl5
    19DB8150: 44203938 69777261 6e4c206e 7265422e 89 Darwin Ln.Ber
    19DB8160: 656c656b 79 keley

    Slot 3, Offset 0x522
    Record Type = PRIMARY_RECORD
    19DB8522: 00180030 20383034 2d363832 38323432 0...408 286-2428
    19DB8532: 35394143 01383231 00000009 00330005 CA95128.......3.
    19DB8542: 0041003a 005d0055 2d373632 322d3134 :.A.U.].267-41-2
    19DB8552: 4f343933 61654c27 694d7972 65616863 394O'LearyMichae
    19DB8562: 2032326c 76656c43 6e616c65 76412064 l22 Cleveland Av
    19DB8572: 3123202e 6e615334 736f4a20 65 . #14San Jose

    Slot 4, Offset 0x374
    Record Type = PRIMARY_RECORD
    19DB8374: 00180030 20353134 2d343338 39313932 0...415 834-2919
    19DB8384: 34394143 01393036 00000009 00330005 CA94609.......3.
    19DB8394: 003f003b 0056004f 2d343732 392d3038 ;.?.O.V.274-80-9
    19DB83A4: 53313933 69617274 44746867 356e6165 391StraightDean5
    19DB83B4: 20303234 6c6c6f43 20656765 4f2e7641 420 College Av.O
    19DB83C4: 616c6b61 646e akland

    Slot 5, Offset 0x7ff
    Record Type = PRIMARY_RECORD
    19DB87FF: 00180030 20333139 2d333438 32363430 0...913 843-0462
    19DB880F: 3636534b 00343430 00000009 00330005 KS66044.......3.
    19DB881F: 003f0038 00590051 2d313433 312d3232 8.?.Q.Y.341-22-1
    19DB882F: 53323837 6874696d 6e61654d 31726564 782SmithMeander1
    19DB883F: 694d2030 73697373 70706973 72442069 0 Mississippi Dr
    19DB884F: 77614c2e 636e6572 65 .Lawrence

    Slot 6, Offset 0x60
    Record Type = PRIMARY_RECORD
    19DB8060: 00180030 20353134 2d383536 32333939 0...415 658-9932
    19DB8070: 34394143 01353037 00000009 00330005 CA94705.......3.
    19DB8080: 00400039 00580050 2d393034 372d3635 9.@.P.X.409-56-7
    19DB8090: 42383030 656e6e65 72624174 6d616861 008BennetAbraham
    19DB80A0: 33323236 74614220 6e616d65 2e745320 6223 Bateman St.
    19DB80B0: 6b726542 79656c65 Berkeley

    Slot 7, Offset 0x478
    Record Type = PRIMARY_RECORD
    19DB8478: 00180030 20353134 2d363338 38323137 0...415 836-7128
    19DB8488: 34394143 01313033 00000009 00330005 CA94301.......3.
    19DB8498: 003a0037 00520049 2d373234 322d3731 7.:.I.R.427-17-2
    19DB84A8: 44393133 416c6c75 34336e6e 42203031 319DullAnn3410 B
    19DB84B8: 646e6f6c 74532065 6c61502e 6c41206f londe St.Palo Al
    19DB84C8: 6f74 to

    Slot 8, Offset 0x57f
    Record Type = PRIMARY_RECORD
    19DB857F: 00180030 20373037 2d383339 35343436 0...707 938-6445
    19DB858F: 35394143 01383234 00000009 00330005 CA95428.......3.
    19DB859F: 0041003d 0051004b 2d323734 322d3732 =.A.K.Q.472-27-2
    19DB85AF: 47393433 676e6972 6273656c 72754279 349GringlesbyBur
    19DB85BF: 204f5074 20786f42 43323937 6c65766f tPO Box 792Covel
    19DB85CF: 6f o

    Slot 9, Offset 0x73e
    Record Type = PRIMARY_RECORD
    19DB873E: 00180030 20353134 2d353835 30323634 0...415 585-4620
    19DB874E: 34394143 01303331 00000009 00330005 CA94130.......3.
    19DB875E: 0043003b 005f0052 2d363834 312d3932 ;.C.R._.486-29-1
    19DB876E: 4c363837 736b636f 4379656c 6c726168 786LocksleyCharl
    19DB877E: 31656e65 72422038 7764616f 41207961 ene18 Broadway A
    19DB878E: 61532e76 7246206e 69636e61 6f6373 v.San Francisco

    Slot 10, Offset 0x5d0
    Record Type = PRIMARY_RECORD
    19DB85D0: 00180030 20353136 2d373932 33323732 0...615 297-2723
    19DB85E0: 37334e54 00353132 00000009 00330005 TN37215.......3.
    19DB85F0: 00440039 00610058 2d373235 332d3237 9.D.X.a.527-72-3
    19DB8600: 47363432 6e656572 726f4d65 676e696e 246GreeneMorning
    19DB8610: 72617473 47203232 62796172 48207261 star22 Graybar H
    19DB8620: 6573756f 2e645220 6873614e 6c6c6976 ouse Rd.Nashvill
    19DB8630: 65 e

    Slot 11, Offset 0x79d
    Record Type = PRIMARY_RECORD
    19DB879D: 00180030 20333035 2d353437 32303436 0...503 745-6402
    19DB87AD: 3739524f 01303333 00000009 00330005 OR97330.......3.
    19DB87BD: 00490041 00620059 2d383436 312d3239 A.I.Y.b.648-92-1
    19DB87CD: 42323738 63746f6c 2d746568 6c6c6148 872Blotchet-Hall
    19DB87DD: 67655273 6c616e69 20353564 6c6c6948 sReginald55 Hill
    19DB87ED: 6c616473 6c422065 726f432e 6c6c6176 sdale Bl.Corvall
    19DB87FD: 7369 is

    Slot 12, Offset 0x4ca
    Record Type = PRIMARY_RECORD
    19DB84CA: 00180030 20353134 2d353339 38323234 0...415 935-4228
    19DB84DA: 34394143 01353935 00000009 00330005 CA94595.......3.
    19DB84EA: 0040003b 0058004c 2d323736 332d3137 ;.@.L.X.672-71-3
    19DB84FA: 59393432 6d6f6b6f 416f746f 6f6b696b 249YokomotoAkiko
    19DB850A: 69532033 7265766c 2e744320 6e6c6157 3 Silver Ct.Waln
    19DB851A: 43207475 6b656572 ut Creek

    Slot 13, Offset 0x689
    Record Type = PRIMARY_RECORD
    19DB8689: 00180030 20353136 2d363939 35373238 0...615 996-8275
    19DB8699: 3834494d 01353031 00000009 00330005 MI48105.......3.
    19DB86A9: 0044003f 005e0055 2d323137 312d3534 ?.D.U.^.712-45-1
    19DB86B9: 64373638 43206c65 69747361 496f6c6c 867del CastilloI
    19DB86C9: 73656e6e 36383232 61724320 6c50206d nnes2286 Cram Pl
    19DB86D9: 3823202e 6e6e4136 62724120 726f . #86Ann Arbor

    Slot 14, Offset 0x219
    Record Type = PRIMARY_RECORD
    19DB8219: 00180030 20393132 2d373435 32383939 0...219 547-9982
    19DB8229: 36344e49 01333034 00000009 00330005 IN46403.......3.
    19DB8239: 0041003b 0052004e 2d323237 352d3135 ;.A.N.R.722-51-5
    19DB8249: 44343534 61724665 4d65636e 65686369 454DeFranceMiche
    19DB8259: 4220336c 69646c61 5020676e 61472e6c l3 Balding Pl.Ga
    19DB8269: 7972 ry

    Slot 15, Offset 0x31c
    Record Type = PRIMARY_RECORD
    19DB831C: 00180030 20353134 2d333438 31393932 0...415 843-2991
    19DB832C: 34394143 00393036 00000009 00330005 CA94609.......3.
    19DB833C: 003f003b 00580051 2d343237 392d3830 ;.?.Q.X.724-08-9
    19DB834C: 53313339 6e697274 44726567 356b7269 931StringerDirk5
    19DB835C: 20303234 656c6554 70617267 76412068 420 Telegraph Av
    19DB836C: 6b614f2e 646e616c .Oakland

    Slot 16, Offset 0x41f
    Record Type = PRIMARY_RECORD
    19DB841F: 00180030 20353134 2d343533 38323137 0...415 354-7128
    19DB842F: 34394143 01323136 00000009 00330005 CA94612.......3.
    19DB843F: 0044003d 00590052 2d343237 392d3038 =.D.R.Y.724-80-9
    19DB844F: 4d313933 65466361 65687461 65745372 391MacFeatherSte
    19DB845F: 736e7261 55203434 6e616c70 74482064 arns44 Upland Ht
    19DB846F: 614f2e73 6e616c6b 64 s.Oakland

    Slot 17, Offset 0x3ca
    Record Type = PRIMARY_RECORD
    19DB83CA: 00180030 20353134 2d343335 39313239 0...415 534-9219
    19DB83DA: 34394143 01393036 00000009 00330005 CA94609.......3.
    19DB83EA: 003e0039 0055004e 2d363537 372d3033 9.>.N.U.756-30-7
    19DB83FA: 4b313933 65737261 76694c6e 37356169 391KarsenLivia57
    19DB840A: 4d203032 6c754163 53207965 614f2e74 20 McAuley St.Oa
    19DB841A: 6e616c6b 64 kland

    Slot 18, Offset 0x26b
    Record Type = PRIMARY_RECORD
    19DB826B: 00180030 20313033 2d363439 33353838 0...301 946-8853
    19DB827B: 3032444d 01333538 00000009 00330005 MD20853.......3.
    19DB828B: 0041003b 005c0053 2d373038 362d3139 ;.A.S.\.807-91-6
    19DB829B: 50343536 65746e61 5379656c 69766c79 654PanteleySylvi
    19DB82AB: 35393161 72412036 676e696c 206e6f74 a1956 Arlington
    19DB82BB: 522e6c50 766b636f 656c6c69 Pl.Rockville

    Slot 19, Offset 0x6e7
    Record Type = PRIMARY_RECORD
    19DB86E7: 00180030 20353134 2d363338 38323137 0...415 836-7128
    19DB86F7: 34394143 01313033 00000009 00330005 CA94301.......3.
    19DB8707: 003f0039 0057004e 2d363438 372d3239 9.?.N.W.846-92-7
    19DB8717: 48363831 65746e75 65685372 336c7972 186HunterSheryl3
    19DB8727: 20303134 6e6f6c42 53206564 61502e74 410 Blonde St.Pa
    19DB8737: 41206f6c 6f746c lo Alto

    Slot 20, Offset 0x2c7
    Record Type = PRIMARY_RECORD
    19DB82C7: 00180030 20373037 2d383434 32383934 0...707 448-4982
    19DB82D7: 35394143 00383836 00000009 00330005 CA95688.......3.
    19DB82E7: 0042003b 0055004c 2d333938 312d3237 ;.B.L.U.893-72-1
    19DB82F7: 4d383531 64614263 486e6564 68746165 158McBaddenHeath
    19DB8307: 30337265 75502031 6d616e74 61636156 er301 PutnamVaca
    19DB8317: 6c6c6976 65 ville

    Slot 21, Offset 0x1c0
    Record Type = PRIMARY_RECORD
    19DB81C0: 00180030 20313038 2d363238 32353730 0...801 826-0752
    19DB81D0: 34385455 01323531 00000009 00330005 UT84152.......3.
    19DB81E0: 003d0039 0059004b 2d393938 322d3634 9.=.K.Y.899-46-2
    19DB81F0: 52353330 65676e69 6e6e4172 20373665 035RingerAnne67
    19DB8200: 65766553 2068746e 532e7641 20746c61 Seventh Av.Salt
    19DB8210: 656b614c 74694320 79 Lake City

    Slot 22, Offset 0x165
    Record Type = PRIMARY_RECORD
    19DB8165: 00180030 20313038 2d363238 32353730 0...801 826-0752
    19DB8175: 34385455 01323531 00000009 00330005 UT84152.......3.
    19DB8185: 003f0039 005b004d 2d383939 332d3237 9.?.M.[.998-72-3
    19DB8195: 52373635 65676e69 626c4172 36747265 567RingerAlbert6
    19DB81A5: 65532037 746e6576 76412068 6c61532e 7 Seventh Av.Sal
    19DB81B5: 614c2074 4320656b 797469 t Lake City

    Row - Offset
    22 (0x16) - 357 (0x165)
    21 (0x15) - 448 (0x1c0)
    20 (0x14) - 711 (0x2c7)
    19 (0x13) - 1767 (0x6e7)
    18 (0x12) - 619 (0x26b)
    17 (0x11) - 970 (0x3ca)
    16 (0x10) - 1055 (0x41f)
    15 (0xf) - 796 (0x31c)
    14 (0xe) - 537 (0x219)
    13 (0xd) - 1673 (0x689)
    12 (0xc) - 1226 (0x4ca)
    11 (0xb) - 1949 (0x79d)
    10 (0xa) - 1488 (0x5d0)
    9 (0x9) - 1854 (0x73e)
    8 (0x8) - 1407 (0x57f)
    7 (0x7) - 1144 (0x478)
    6 (0x6) - 96 (0x60)
    5 (0x5) - 2047 (0x7ff)
    4 (0x4) - 884 (0x374)
    3 (0x3) - 1314 (0x522)
    2 (0x2) - 272 (0x110)
    1 (0x1) - 184 (0xb8)
    0 (0x0) - 1585 (0x631)

    should be more meaningful


    Frank Kalis
    Microsoft SQL Server MVP
    My blog:[/url]

  • Thanks fellows.

    Frank, I will buy the book, but I am more confortable searching the web. I have started to maintain 5 SQL Server machines with not much time to read unluckily. I have worked with Oracle 5 years now and yes, many concepts are different which I will need to get used to.

    I pointed ROWIDs cause I saw it was a parameter in sp_special_columns. I am not exactly sure if its the same concept though.


  • The book also contains a CD with the content in HTML Help format.

    I guess most information you won't find somewhere else on the net. And if you ask you will most likely only be pointed back to the book.


    Frank Kalis
    Microsoft SQL Server MVP
    My blog:[/url]

Viewing 9 posts - 1 through 8 (of 8 total)

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