Memory issues

  • Righto,

    I have a brand new Xeon production server with over 2GB of RAM. After a few hiccups on the cut-over last night it has now been running for approx 18 hours.

    We are using Crystal to generate quite a few reports during the day today. When checking the load on the system before I noticed in task manager I am showing a whole 20MB of RAM available!! Does this sound right? Forgive me if this is a stupid question, but I can't believe SQL has chewed that much RAM in such a short space of time.

    BTW my production database is about 1.2GB in size.


  • Have you got AWE enabled? If you do, is it configured for a max memory? If it is not then it will use up to Total memory - 180 MB (for OS). If you're not using AWE, maybe you have a min memory setting that makes it chew up a lot immediately? Or maybe even manual memory handling, set to use that much memory always instead of dynamically configuring it?


    Chris Hedgate @ Apptus Technologies (

  • 20 MB availble overall is not that bad unless that us totoal for server and not just physical. Keep in mind you also have you swap file which should be set to a minimum of 2.5x's the size of the physical RAM and as high as possible on the max side but no less than 3.5x's the physical RAM. Also, depending on your queries SQL server is trying to cache as much data into memory as possible so if there queries are not optimized and run thru Crystal using ADO it may be pulling all the data into memory to server to Crystal (keep in mid you can use SP's and view's server side with Crystal and optimize the code better than Crystal will, many people just build in Crystal and assume it did the best possible query, this is not saying you are among those it is just a common thing which took me 7 months to catch on about). The key question is how much physical memory is SQL itself using and what else is using memory.

    "Don't roll your eyes at me. I will tape them in place." (Teacher on Boston Public)

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