Migrating 6.5 DB to 7.0 or 2000 servers

  • Does any one have any experience migrating databases on a 6.5 Server to a SQL 7.0 Server or 2000 Server.

    Would The following scenario result in any problems:

    1. Script the 6.5 Db

    2. Create the DB on a 2000 Svr with a

    compatibility level of 65.

    3. Move the data or Restore a Backup to the

    to 2000 Svr

    4. Change the compatibility level to 80.

    Thanks for any and all responses


  • 6.5 backup cannot be restored to SQL 7 or 2000. If using 2000 try the databae copy wizard. Should work like a charm.

    "Don't roll your eyes at me. I will tape them in place." (Teacher on Boston Public)

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