converting a large number to format nnnk

  • Have a varchar column with numeric values which equate to dollars or pounds sterling etc. because of the size of the transaction, need to format the information such that

    initial value result

    123 123

    12300 12.3K

    12300000 12.3M

    Note, there are no commas in the data

    Any ideas ?

  • This might do the trick.

    create function dbo.fn_format (@string as varchar(25))

    returns varchar(25) as


    if @string > 1000000 set @string = left(@string,len(@string)-6) + '.' + substring(@string,len(@string)-5,1) + 'M'

    else if @string > 1000 set @string = left(@string,len(@string)-3) + '.' + substring(@string,len(@string)-2,1) + 'K'




    select dbo.fn_format('123'), dbo.fn_format('1230'), dbo.fn_format('12300'), dbo.fn_format('123000'), dbo.fn_format('1230000'), dbo.fn_format('12300000')

    drop function dbo.fn_format

    I think you also posted a query about removing trailing zeros which you might want to reference if you want to avoid results like 123.0K

    You might need to tweak this a bit depending on how many decimal places you want. If you want to round numbers, then you might want to divide the input string by 1 million or 1 thousand and then round the result.



    Edited by - Jeremy Kemp on 05/20/2003 03:42:25 AM

  • Or something like this where you can also control rounding.

    create function dbo.fn_format (@value numeric(38,1))

    returns varchar(200) as


    declare @string as varchar(200)

    if @value >= 1000000

    set @string = replace(rtrim(replace(cast((@value / 1000000) as varchar(200)),'0',' ')), ' ', '0') + 'M'

    else if @value >= 1000

    set @string = replace(rtrim(replace(cast((@value / 1000) as varchar(200)),'0',' ')), ' ', '0') + + 'K'


    set @string = cast(cast(@value as int) as varchar(200))



  • How About this:

    Create Table #Sales( Value Varchar(50) )

    Insert into #Sales Select 123

    Insert into #Sales Select 1230

    Insert into #Sales Select 12300

    Insert into #Sales Select 123000

    Insert into #Sales Select 1230000

    Insert into #Sales Select 12300000

    Insert into #Sales Select 123000000

    Insert into #Sales Select 1230000000

    Insert into #Sales Select 12300000000


    Select Value

    ,NewValue =

    Convert( Varchar(50), Round( Value / Convert( numeric(38, 0 ), '1' + Replicate( '0', 3* Floor( ( Len( RTrim( Value ) ) - 1) / 3.0 ) ) ), 3) )+

    Case (Len( RTrim( Value ) )- 1 ) / 3

    When 4 Then 'T'

    When 3 Then 'G'

    When 2 Then 'M'

    When 1 Then 'K'

    When 0 Then ''

    Else ' Real Big Ones'


    From #Sales


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