master rebuild utlity never stops

  • I have a small problem. I started rebuilding my master database in one of my experimental servers through rebuildm utility. after copying files from cd to disk it is continuously showing

    Configuring server -- Server configuration progress and the tabs are simply moving from left to right continuously. It ran for 7 hours and is still in the same state at the time of sending this mail

    I didn't change the collation setting. i tried on another experimental server. similar case there too. why is it so? do I need to do anything specific? i had stopped sqlserver, sqlagent and msdtc before this exercise. usually how much time master rebuild may take on an average? kindly tell me a solution to this problem

  • Did you change the file attributes on the files that you copied from CD to take off read only?

  • thanks lindr, i didn't do that. rebuild utility being an automated process, I din't intervene in between. do i need to stop it once file copying is over, change attributes of copied files and then how to resume from that point onwards? pl help

  • You'll need to stop it manually. Proper steps are:

    1) Copy source folder off of CD (\x86\data)

    2) Remove Read-only attribute from folder and files

    3) Run rebuildm.exe

    The issue is a known bug (but not well-communicated) that just about everyone runs into the first time they try a rebuildm (have the t-shirt myself). Microsoft has documented it here:;en-us;273572

    K. Brian Kelley, GSEC

    Author: Start to Finish Guide to SQL Server Performance Monitoring

    K. Brian Kelley

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