Linked Servers - General Network Error

  • I have SQL 2K SP3 running on two servers. On server A, I have a link to server B using linked servers. The link has been working fine for a long time.

    Over the weekend, server B needed a software upgrade and was rebooted as a consequence. It was up and running this morning when I came into work.

    However, server A could not communicate with server B quoting 'General Network error. Check you network documentation'

    I solved the problem by recycling the SQL Service on server A and it is now working fine again.

    Is this normal behaviour? Is there any way I can prevent these problems or do I have to recycle the server on server A whenever server B reboots?


  • I have not run into this issue previously and use linked servers extensively. By chance, are your servers using DHCP rather than a static IP address? I would check their network configuration closely, in particular their DNS settings.

    David R Buckingham, MCDBA,MCSA,MCP

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