Enterprise Manager Broken, No databases on the server

  • We are running SQL Server 2000 SP4 with hotfix (2040) on a Windows 2003 Advanced Server two-node Active/Active cluster.

    For a couple of years everything has been working fine and Enterprise Manager behaved normally.

    Last Friday, we re-booted the server and suddenly Enterprise Manager stopped working. It would connect to the server, and the server is running fine and can be managed through Query Analyzer, but there is NOTHING displayed within Enterprise manager for that server.   Databases lists no items (not even master), mannagement lists no items (no logs, no jobs or maintenance plans), The other virtual server in the cluster is fine.

    I did have a notice from our monitoring system that Windows Event Log had flagged that a file had become corrupt and needed to be re-installed from the CD.  I believe the file was named something like Mapper.

    Any ideas, has anyone else run into this before.

    Once again this system was running normally just before the reboot.

  • Well I got lucky.

    I had replace a .ini file on my C: drive, and I rebooted the box today and it worked. Yeah

  • Brian,

    Glad it's working, but can you tell us the ini file? Someone might run into this again and it would be nice if they saw your solution.


  • I tried comparing the

    C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\80 and very important the C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\80\Tools\Binn

    directory across both computers one file I found missing was: cnfgsvr.ini

    I also compared Common Software drive (non clustered resource) the \Microsoft SQL Server\<Instance one> and <instance two> to make sure they were identical.  I think I found some .out files that were different.

    After getting the directories to be the same, I failed over (EM started working) rebooted, failed back and EM continued working.

    Whether I did the right things I don't know, but it worked for me.

  • What 'probably' happened was that you somehow lost the file that maintains the information on what instances you have registered in Enterprise Manager.

    I would suggest first trying to re-register the instance(s).


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