Get logical file name from mdf file

  • Thanks for the quick response...

    I forgot one short/important piece...  from a "detatched" mdf file

    We are trying to identify what is installed on a user's notebook.

    Thank you

  • use



    * from sys.sysfiles where right(filename, 4) = '.mdf'



    I'm sure there's another way but this should do the trick.

  • Use

    dbcc checkprimaryfile (N'<physical path to the .mdf file>', 3)

    Hope this will be useful to you.

    Ignas Chilewa

  • Hi, thank you for the dbcc command.  that's exactly what I was looking for.  I appreciate everyones help. Thank you

  • Woops... 7,2000 not 2005 .

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