Procedures are timing out because of Index Defragmentation Job ...

  • Guys,

    We have INDEXDEFRAG job running every few days.  On our heaviest environment, it takes about 30 minutes to run.  During the time it is running, we have many timeouts of stored procedures (a timeout occurs when a stored procedure takes > 30 seconds to complete).  All of our stored procedures take under a second to complete during normal times.  And when defragmentation job is off, we have no timeouts.

    I know that we need to use defragmentation as our tables are constantly being deleted to and inserted from, thereby fragmenting the indexes.  However, we do not want to have timeouts either.

    Can anyone clue me in as to why timeouts occur during this process and is there any way to modify it to reduce the number of timeouts.  The script I use to perform INDEXDEFRAG is shown below (I got it from some website).

    /*Perform a 'USE <database name>' to select the database in which to run the script.*/

    -- Declare variables


    DECLARE @tablename VARCHAR (128)

    DECLARE @execstr   VARCHAR (255)

    DECLARE @objectid  INT

    DECLARE @indexid   INT

    DECLARE @frag      DECIMAL

    DECLARE @maxfrag   DECIMAL

    -- Decide on the maximum fragmentation to allow

    SELECT @maxfrag = 10.0

    -- Declare cursor





    -- Create the table

    CREATE TABLE #fraglist (

       ObjectName CHAR (255),

       ObjectId INT,

       IndexName CHAR (255),

       IndexId INT,

       Lvl INT,

       CountPages INT,

       CountRows INT,

       MinRecSize INT,

       MaxRecSize INT,

       AvgRecSize INT,

       ForRecCount INT,

       Extents INT,

       ExtentSwitches INT,

       AvgFreeBytes INT,

       AvgPageDensity INT,

       ScanDensity DECIMAL,

       BestCount INT,

       ActualCount INT,

       LogicalFrag DECIMAL,

       ExtentFrag DECIMAL)

    -- Open the cursor

    OPEN tables

    -- Loop through all the tables in the database


       FROM tables

       INTO @tablename



    -- Do the showcontig of all indexes of the table

       INSERT INTO #fraglist

       EXEC ('DBCC SHOWCONTIG (''' + @tablename + ''')



          FROM tables

          INTO @tablename


    -- Close and deallocate the cursor

    CLOSE tables

    DEALLOCATE tables

    -- Declare cursor for list of indexes to be defragged


       SELECT ObjectName, ObjectId, IndexId, LogicalFrag

       FROM #fraglist

       WHERE LogicalFrag >= @maxfrag

          AND INDEXPROPERTY (ObjectId, IndexName, 'IndexDepth') > 0

    -- Open the cursor

    OPEN indexes

    -- loop through the indexes


       FROM indexes

       INTO @tablename, @objectid, @indexid, @frag



       PRINT 'Executing DBCC INDEXDEFRAG (0, ' + RTRIM(@tablename) + ',' + RTRIM(@indexid) + ') - fragmentation currently '

           + RTRIM(CONVERT(varchar(15),@frag)) + '%'

        SELECT @execstr = 'DBCC INDEXDEFRAG (0, ' + RTRIM(@objectid) + ',' + RTRIM(@indexid) + ')'

        EXEC (@execstr)


          FROM indexes

          INTO @tablename, @objectid, @indexid, @frag


    -- Close and deallocate the cursor

    CLOSE indexes

    DEALLOCATE indexes

    -- Delete the temporary table

    DROP TABLE #fraglist


    Thanks a lot!

  • You could check if the defrag actually helps (fragmentation before/after) with DBCC SHOWCONTIG.

    Perhaps you should iterate on index position rather than tablename

    (order by IndexId for the indexes cursor), so sql won't be working at one table for a longer period.

  • Based on the SQL posted, non-clustered indicies are being defragemented twice - one when the clustered index is defragemented, which also rebuilds the non-clustered indicies, and then again if it was originally highly fragmented.

    Below are two stored procedures for defragementation.

    Known problems:

    Restart has not been thougly tested.

    The check for the transaction log backup job already running does not work always due to slow posting by the SQL Server Agent, so occassionally the job will fail becuase the job is already running.

    Good Luck.

    if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[dbo].[DBM_DBREINDEX_By_OutOfOrderPagePct]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsProcedure') = 1)

    drop procedure [dbo].[DBM_DBREINDEX_By_OutOfOrderPagePct]


    if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[dbo].[DBM_Index_get_FragmentionStats]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsProcedure') = 1)

    drop procedure [dbo].[DBM_Index_get_FragmentionStats]


    CREATE procedure  DBM_DBREINDEX_By_OutOfOrderPagePct

    ( @RunMinutes  integer  = null

    , @StopTime  varchar(8) = null

    , @DefragOption  varchar(12) = 'DBREINDEX'

    , @LogBackupJobName sysname 

    , @RestartInd  char(1)  = 'N'

    , @DebugInd  char(1)  = 'N'

    , @DisplayProgressInd char(1)  = 'N'




    Description: Defragments each table index in the database from most fragmented to least fragemented.

    Privileges:  System Adminstrator only (DB Owner is insufficient)

    Run Time  Stops when the specified end time is reached but after the current index rebuild completes.

    Locking:  When 'DBREINDEX' is specified, locks the table being defragemented

      When "INDEXDEFRAG" is specified, locks some rows for the table being defragemented

    Dependencies: Table TableIndexFragementation must be populated by executing stored procedure DBM_Index_get_FragmentionStats

      Table TableIndexDefragmenting is used for restarting and after an index is rebuilt, the index row is removed from the table and     on successful completion, drops the restart table.

    Install:  Into each database

    Inputs  RunMinutes Optional The number of minutes, after which,  that procedure is to stop running.

      StopTime  Optional The time that procedure is to stop running.

       Note that either RunMinutes or StopTime  must be provided, but not both.

      DefragOption   Required 'DBREINDEX' or 'INDEXDEFRAG'

      LogBackupJobName Optional Name of the transction log backup job and is optional if the database is in simple recovery


      DebugInd  Optional When "y", prints diagnose without defragementing the index.  Defaults to no debug.

      RestartInd  Optional Indicates if the defragmentation is to restart at the next table index or start over.

    Outputs  None


     Validates all input parameters.

     Checks that there is a transction log backup job of the given name if the database is not in simple recovery mode.

     Ranks indexes based on Out of Order page percentage.

     Since when a clustered index is rebuilt, the table's non-clustered indexes are also rebuild, removes non-clustered indexes when the clustered index is expected to be rebuilt first.

     For each table index in order by most fragmented and higher row count:

      Runs the index defragmentation

      Removes the specific index row from the Table TableIndexDefragmenting to allow restartability.

      If the clustered index was rebuilt, removes all rows for the table  from the Table TableIndexDefragmenting to allow restartability.

      the database is not in simple recovery mode and the transaction log backup job is not running, starts the job

    Future Enhancements:

     Currently, the transaction log is backed up after each index is rebuilt but a check for the usage of the transaction log

      and then only performing that backup when the log is filled over a current percentage may be usefull. 

     DBCC SQLPERF(logsize) provides the percent of log space used.


    set nocount on

    --set xact_abort on

    IF COALESCE ( IS_SRVROLEMEMBER(N'sysadmin'), 0) <> 1


     raiserror('This procedure requires system adminstrator priveleges', 16, 1 )

     return +1


    if  @RunMinutes  is null

    and @StopTime is null


     raiserror('Either @RunMinutes or Stop Time must be provided', 16, 1 )

     return +1


    if  @RunMinutes  is not null

    and @StopTime is not null


     raiserror('@RunMinutes and @StopTime cannot both be provided', 16, 1 )

     return +1


    if  @StopTime is not null

    and @StopTime not like '[0-2][0-9]:[0-6][0-9]:[0-6][0-9]'


     raiserror('@StopTime must in format HH:MM:SS with a leading zero', 16, 1 )

     return +1


    if  @RunMinutes  is not null

    and @RunMinutes  > ( 60 * 8 )


     raiserror('@RunMinutes must be less than 8 hours', 16, 1 )

     return +1


    IF @DefragOption is null


     raiserror('@DefragOption must be provided', 16, 1 )

     return +1


    IF @DefragOption not in ('DBREINDEX','INDEXDEFRAG' )


     raiserror('@DefragOption must be DBREINDEX or INDEXDEFRAG', 16, 1 )

     return +1


    IF @RestartInd not in ('Y','N')


     raiserror('@RestartInd must be Y or N', 16, 1 )

     return +1


    Declare @RecoveryMode varchar(255)

    set @RecoveryMode = CAST( databasepropertyex(db_name() , 'recovery') as varchar(255) )

    IF @RecoveryMode != 'simple'


     IF  not exists

      (SELECT 1

      from msdb.dbo.sysjobs

      where name = @LogBackupJobName



      raiserror('@LogBackupJobName provided does not exist.', 16, 1 )

      return +1



    IF  object_id('TableIndexFragementation') is  null


     raiserror('Stored Procedure DBM_Index_get_FragmentionStats must be run first.', 16, 1 )

     return +1


    if object_id('tempdb..#JobStatus') is not null

     drop table #JobStatus

    CREATE TABLE #JobStatus

    ( job_id                uniqueidentifier not null

    , last_run_date         integer              not null

    , last_run_time         integer              not null

    , next_run_date         integer              not null

    , next_run_time         integer              not null

    , next_run_schedule_id  integer              not null

    , requested_to_run      integer              not null

    , request_source        integer              not null

    , request_source_id     sysname          COLLATE database_default NULL

    , running               integer              not null

    , current_step          integer              not null

    , current_retry_attempt integer              not null

    , job_state             integer              not null


    if object_id('TableIndexDefragment_JobStatus') is not null

     drop table TableIndexDefragment_JobStatus

    if @DisplayProgressInd = 'Y'

     select current_timestamp as JobStatusTs, *

     into TableIndexDefragment_JobStatus

     from  #JobStatus

    DECLARE @is_sysadmin  integer

    , @job_owner    sysname

    set  @is_sysadmin  = ISNULL(IS_SRVROLEMEMBER(N'sysadmin'), 0)

    set @job_owner  = SUSER_SNAME()

    declare @Job_id  uniqueidentifier

    select  @Job_id = job_id

    from msdb.dbo.sysjobs

    where name = @LogBackupJobName

    DECLARE @StopTs  datetime

    if  @RunMinutes  is not null


     set @StopTs = dateadd(mi, @RunMinutes , current_timestamp)




    -- Uses feature of <datetime> + integer , where the integer is days. 

    -- For example, to add one hour, convert to days my dividing the number of hours in a day

     set @StopTs 

     =    cast( CAST( current_timestamp - .5 as integer)  as datetime )

     +  ( cast( substring(@StopTime,1,2) as tinyint ) / ( 24.0 ) )

     +  ( cast( substring(@StopTime,4,2) as tinyint ) / ( 24.0 * 60 ) )

     +  ( cast( substring(@StopTime,7,2) as tinyint ) / ( 24.0 * 60 * 60 ) )

     IF  @StopTs <= current_timestamp

      set @StopTs = @StopTs + 1


    IF @DisplayProgressInd = 'Y'


     print cast( @StopTs as varchar) + ' is stopping time'

     print cast(CURRENT_TIMESTAMP as varchar) + ' is CURRENT time'


    IF @RestartInd = 'N'


     IF  object_id('TableIndexDefragmenting') is NOT null

      drop table TableIndexDefragmenting

     IF  object_id('TableIndexDefragmented') is NOT null

      drop table TableIndexDefragmented

     if  object_id('tempdb..#IndexDefragOptions') is not null

      drop table #IndexDefragOptions


     Create table #IndexDefragOptions

     ( Priority   tinyint  

     , OutOfOrderPagePct_low  decimal(18) not null unique

     , OutOfOrderPagePct_high decimal(18)

     -- Note: named constraints not allowed on temporary tables

     --, constraint indexDefragOptions_C_LH check ( outOfOrderPagePct_low < OutOfOrderPagePct_high )

     , check ( outOfOrderPagePct_low < OutOfOrderPagePct_high )


     insert into #IndexDefragOptions


     SELECT 50 union all

     SELECT 30 union all

     SELECT 40 union all

     SELECT 20 union all

     SELECT 10 union all

     SELECT  0


     update #IndexDefragOptions

     set Priority =

      (select count(*)

      from #IndexDefragOptions as HigherPrioritys

      where HigherPrioritys.OutOfOrderPagePct_low >= #IndexDefragOptions.OutOfOrderPagePct_low


     , OutOfOrderPagePct_high =


       (SELECT MIN(OutOfOrderPagePct_low)

       from  #IndexDefragOptions as L

       where L.OutOfOrderPagePct_low > #IndexDefragOptions.OutOfOrderPagePct_low

      &nbsp , 101 ) - 1


     IF @DebugInd = 'Y'

      select * from #IndexDefragOptions


    --  Create table of index rebuild completed (where 1 = 2 insures that there are no rows)

     select  current_timestamp as IndexRebuildTs

     , *

     into TableIndexDefragmented

     from  #IndexDefragOptions

     , TableIndexFragementation

     WHERE 1 = 2

    --  Create table of index rebuild to be performed

     SELECT *

     into TableIndexDefragmenting

     from #IndexDefragOptions

     join TableIndexFragementation

      on TableIndexFragementation.OutOfOrderPagePct

      between OutOfOrderPagePct_low

      and OutOfOrderPagePct_high

     where IndexInd between 1 and 254 -- 0 is heap and 255 is lob

     and TableIndexFragementation.OutOfOrderPagePct > 0


     create unique clustered index  TableIndexDefragmenting_P

      on TableIndexDefragmenting

      (TableId, IndexInd)


     -- Remove all non-clustered indicies where:

     -- the clustered index is in a higher, equal or next lower fragmention priority


     delete from TableIndexDefragmenting 

     where IndexInd between 2 and 255

     and exists

      (SELECT *

      from TableIndexDefragmenting  as ClusteredInd

      where ClusteredInd.TableId =   TableIndexDefragmenting.TableId

      and ClusteredInd.Priority >=  TableIndexDefragmenting.Priority - 1

      and ClusteredInd.IndexInd = 1



    IF @DisplayProgressInd = 'Y'


     SELECT  TableName

     ,  IndexName

     ,  TableId

     ,  IndexInd

     from  TableIndexDefragmenting

     WHERE PageCnt > 2

     order by  Priority ASC, rowCnt DESC




    declare @TableName sysname

    , @IndexName sysname

    , @TableId integer

    , @IndexInd integer

    , @DBReindexTemplate nvarchar(4000)

    , @DBReindexSQL  nvarchar(4000)

    , @rc_sp_start_job INTEGER

    set @DBReindexTemplate = 'DBCC &DefragOption ( &tableName , &index_name ) WITH NO_INFOMSGS'

    set @DBReindexTemplate

      =  REPLACE(@DBReindexTemplate , '&DefragOption' , @DefragOption)

    WHILE  @StopTs > current_timestamp


     set rowcount 1

     SELECT  @TableName = TableName

     , @IndexName = IndexName

     , @TableId = TableId

     ,  @IndexInd = IndexInd

     from  TableIndexDefragmenting

     WHERE PageCnt > 2

     order by  Priority ASC, rowCnt DESC


     set rowcount 0

     set @DBReindexSQL

      =  REPLACE(@DBReindexTemplate,'&tableName',@TableName)

     set @DBReindexSQL

      =  REPLACE(@DBReindexSQL,'&index_name',@IndexName)

     IF @DisplayProgressInd = 'Y'



      PRINT '@TableName ' + @TableName

      PRINT '@IndexName ' + @IndexName

      PRINT '  ' 


     if @DebugInd = 'Y'


      SELECT @DBReindexSQL




      exec ( @DBReindexSQL )


     IF @DisplayProgressInd = 'Y'


      print 'insert into TableIndexDefragmented'


     insert into TableIndexDefragmented

     select current_timestamp, *

     from  TableIndexDefragmenting

     where TableId   = @TableId

     and ( IndexInd = @IndexInd

      or @IndexInd = 1


     -- remove the specific index OR

     -- remove non-clustered indexes after the clustered index is rebuilt

     IF @DisplayProgressInd = 'Y'


      print 'deleting from table TableIndexDefragmenting'


     delete from TableIndexDefragmenting

     where TableId   = @TableId

     and ( IndexInd = @IndexInd

      or @IndexInd = 1


     IF @RecoveryMode != 'simple'


      IF @DisplayProgressInd = 'Y'


       print 'Getting job status'


      insert into #JobStatus

      EXECUTE master.dbo.xp_sqlagent_enum_jobs @is_sysadmin, @job_owner, @job_id



       (select 1

       from  #JobStatus

       where job_state  <> 4



       IF @DisplayProgressInd = 'Y'


        print 'Starting transaction log backup job'


       exec @rc_sp_start_job =  msdb.dbo.sp_start_job 

        @job_name = @LogBackupJobName

       ,  @output_flag = 0

       if @rc_sp_start_job <> 0


        if @DebugInd = 'Y'

         insert  into TableIndexDefragment_JobStatus

         select current_timestamp, *

         from  #JobStatus

        IF @DisplayProgressInd = 'Y'


         print 'FAILED - Starting transaction log backup job'





        IF @DisplayProgressInd = 'Y'


         print 'Successfull - Starting transaction log backup job'


       -- Wait for the job to start

        waitfor delay '00:00:05'





    set rowcount 0


    CREATE  procedure DBM_Index_get_FragmentionStats



    Description: Runs "DBCC Showcontig" for each table in the database

    Privileges: DB Owner or System Adminstrator

    Run Time Versus LCC preprod database, 7 minutes

    Locking: No

    Dependencies: None

    Install: Into each database

    Inputs  None

    Outputs  table TableIndexFragementation is populated

    Problems: None

    Future Enhancements:

      None needed.



    SET Xact_Abort ON 


     (SELECT 1


     WHERE table_name = 'TableIndexFragementation'




     truncate table dbo.TableIndexFragementation




     CREATE TABLE dbo.TableIndexFragementation (

      TableName varchar (255) NULL ,

      TableId int NULL ,

      IndexName varchar (255) NULL ,

      IndexInd int NULL ,

      IndexLevel int NULL ,

      PageCnt int NULL ,

      RowCnt int NULL ,

      MinRecSize int NULL ,

      MaxRecSize int NULL ,

      AvgRecSize int NULL ,

      ForwardedRecordCnt int NULL ,

      ExtentCnt int NULL ,

      ExtentSwitchCnt int NULL ,

      AvgFreeBytes int NULL ,

      AvgPageFullPct int NULL ,

      ScanDensity decimal(18, 0) NULL ,

      ExtentIdealCnt int NULL ,

      ExtentActualCnt int NULL ,

      OutOfOrderPagePct decimal(18, 0) NULL ,

      OutOfOrderExtentPct decimal(18, 0) NULL



    DECLARE @tablename VARCHAR (128)

    , @execstr   VARCHAR (255)

    , @objectid  INT

    , @indexid   INT

    , @frag      DECIMAL

    , @maxfrag   DECIMAL

    , @TAbleCnt integer

    -- Decide on the maximum fragmentation to allow

    SET @maxfrag = 30.0

    SET @TAbleCnt = 0

    -- Declare cursor





    IF object_id('tempdb..#fraglist') is not null

     drop table #fraglist

    -- Create the table

    CREATE TABLE #fraglist

     ( TableName   varchar (255)

     , TableId   integer

     , IndexName   varchar (255)

     , IndexInd   integer

     , IndexLevel   integer

     , PageCnt   integer

     , RowCnt   integer

     , MinRecSize   integer

     , MaxRecSize   integer

     , AvgRecSize   integer

     , ForwardedRecordCnt  integer

     , ExtentCnt   integer

     , ExtentSwitchCnt  integer

     , AvgFreeBytes   integer

     , AvgPageFullPct  integer

     , ScanDensity   decimal

     , ExtentIdealCnt  integer

     , ExtentActualCnt  integer

     , OutOfOrderPagePct  decimal

     , OutOfOrderExtentPct  decimal


    -- Open the cursor

    OPEN tables_CSR

    WHILE  1 = 1


     FETCH NEXT FROM  tables_CSR

     INTO  @tablename


     set @TAbleCnt = @TAbleCnt + 1

    -- select 'processing ' , @tablename , @TAbleCnt

    -- Get Table Index physical information including fragementation

     INSERT INTO #fraglist



    -- Close and deallocate the cursor

    CLOSE   tables_CSR

    DEALLOCATE  tables_CSR

    Insert into dbo.TableIndexFragementation


     TableName, TableId, IndexName, IndexInd, IndexLevel

     , PageCnt, RowCnt

     , MinRecSize, MaxRecSize, AvgRecSize

     , ForwardedRecordCnt, ExtentCnt

     , ExtentSwitchCnt, AvgFreeBytes, AvgPageFullPct, ScanDensity

     , ExtentIdealCnt, ExtentActualCnt

     , OutOfOrderPagePct, OutOfOrderExtentPct


    select  TableName, TableId, IndexName, IndexInd

     , IndexLevel, PageCnt, RowCnt, MinRecSize, MaxRecSize, AvgRecSize

     , ForwardedRecordCnt, ExtentCnt, ExtentSwitchCnt

     , AvgFreeBytes, AvgPageFullPct, ScanDensity, ExtentIdealCnt, ExtentActualCnt

     , OutOfOrderPagePct, OutOfOrderExtentPct

    from #fraglist



    SQL = Scarcely Qualifies as a Language

  • But why do u do these kind of job in production hours plan these activities in non-production hous or time when there is less activity in sql server.

    Sugeshkumar Rajendran
    SQL Server MVP

  • Hi Carl.  Can you cite any supporting documentation? 

    I know that rebuilding a clustered index will cause the non-clustered indexes to be rebuilt, according to the BOL, but I don't see anything about that under INDEXDEFRAG.



  • Actually, I stand corrected.  There is a MS blog on the SQL Storage Engine that has some insight and part of the blog is posted below. Looks like the logic of my defrag routine needs to change.

  • Rebuilding a unique clustered index: This operation has no effect on the cluster key, so there is no need for the non-clustered indexes to be rebuilt. Various early Service Packs of SQL Server 2000 had bugs that caused this behavior to be broken - and this is the cause of much of the confusion around this behavior.

  • Rebuilding a non-unique clustered index: In SQL Server 2000, when a non-unique clustered index (which contains uniquifier columns) is rebuilt, all the uniquifier values are regenerated. This essentially means that the cluster keys have changed and so all the non-clustered indexes are rebuilt after the clustered index rebuild has completed.
  • SQL = Scarcely Qualifies as a Language

  • Note:

    DEPENDING on the *strength* of your IO subsystem you may still recive timeouts eventhough defrag is an online operation still requires a transaction log space.

    The best bet is as it was suggested above do it a off peak hours.

    * Noel

  • One thing we do is run the defrags outside peak hours and limit the run time.  So it builds a list of fragmented indexes, as per your job, then defrags them in order of fragmentation then exits from the job after it has been running for more than 45 minutes.

    We then monitor the fragmentation levels overtime to determine wether fragmentation is being managed trend wise...

  • I like the idea of changing the loop so that you don't process two indexes against the same table. No guarantee that it will help, but I think its worth trying. One easy way would be to order by newid() to get random order (which wouldn't necessarily guarantee you don't hit the same table twice in a row, but it is easy to implement).

    You could also try adding a WAITFOR inside the loop, give the server a break of x seconds after every index rebuild so that if you have developed a disk queue, maybe it will sort things out.

    I suppose you could also find a wait to run the defrag for about 25 seconds and then stop, then try again, and again.

    All of those are bandaids not sure to help much.

  • I don't think we have any off peak hours.  We have some low usage hours, and this is when I scheduled to run INDEXDEFRAG.

    I have noted all the suggestions above.  For now, I implemented the following 2:

    1. ORDER BY INDEXID - This, I believe, processes 1 index for each table at a time

    2. WAITFOR DELAY 1 SECOND - This, I believe, gives some breathing time to the SQL server

    The jobs are scheduled to run tonight.  I'll see what happens tomorrow.

    I also plan to use PERFMON and PROFILER to do more detailed exploration ...


    Thanks for all the suggestions!

  • Here is another, if you do defrag don't forget to update statistics when you are done

    * Noel

  • Thanks Noel.  I usually do that as well!

  • Viewing 12 posts - 1 through 11 (of 11 total)

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