.tuf file

  • what is .tuf file created during log shipping?

  • From what I can tell, it is the pointer (or information file) that tells log shipping where it left off with its last restore.  We log ship throughout the day, but only restore the log backups on the secondary database between 2 & 4 a.m.  There is always a .tuf file after the last restore.  I imagine that it contains the FirstLsn and LastLsn of the T-Log backups, but that's just a guess.

  • thanks. I am unable to find anything on microsoft site about this. Anyone else wanna take a shot at this?

  • Sure, though it's not my info, but from a message posted by an msce:


    The .tuf file is the Transaction Undo File, and is created when performing log shipping to a server in Standby mode. From our friend, the msce:

    In the standby mode, database recovery is done when the log is

    restored and this mode also creates a file with the extension .TUF

    (which is the transaction Undo file on the destination server). In

    this mode we will be able to access the databases.

  • Thanks Brendt. Here is what I found

    Transaction undo file

    File containing information regarding any modifications that were made as part of incomplete transactions at the time the backup was performed. A transaction undo file is required if a database is loaded in read-only state. In this state, further transaction log backups may be applied.


  • I need small information regarding .tuf file..Where .tuf file is created in sql server ?

  • This file will be located in the same folder(on the secondary/standby server) from where Log shipping is picking the transacation log(*.trn) files for restore.

  • Hi All,

    Any Idea how to bring the database to RECOVERY mode when .tuf file is missing?

    I am also not sure how it's getting deleted everytime.



  • To bring the database online use following syntax (this also works when .tuf file is missing):


  • how can i restore when TUF file is missing..please help me out

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