MY 'SA' AND BUILTIN\ADMINISTRATORS on every single Sql Server Installation, even on

    local databse installed.

    'SA' and Builtin\Administrator has access for all databases and user is dbo.

    When I select a single database and I try to revoke db_owner access a meSsage apperars

    SQL - DMO (ODBC SQL STATE: 4200)

    Error 15405: Cannot use the reserved user or role name 'dbO'

    and I cant´t modify sa and builtin\administrator access.

    Before this situation my 'sa' and Builtin\Administrator has no access to any database,

    I mean, in Sql Server login Properties, Database Access has no checked any database, and of course

    any Databse Role is assigned.

    How can I fix this, and where can I search the moment when it happened.





  • you'll need to use sp_changedbowner to change a db's owner.

    sa = systemadministrator = omnipotent meaning has all authority to do anything with all db of a serverinstance. If you make a user member of the sysadmin-sqlservergroup, when this user logs in, internaly that connection is switched to sa and the system nolonger checks for authorities.

    you can revoke builtin\administrators but be sure to check your server is using a windows account for serviceaccount ! (as well as sqlagent,..)  Change it using Enterprise manager ! it sets the needed authorities (including winsows auth.

    you can check SSC for howto and pitfalls for removing builtin\administrators.

    (btw we always remove builtin\administrators  ).



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  • SA and the BUILTIN/Administrator logins ALWAYS have access to every database. As alzdba stated, you can remove the Builtin/administrator login if you want to - test it first as it could cause you some problems. But you can NEVER remove SA.


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