is it possible to query a job?

  • of course i have hundreds of jobs. within each one is

    an SMTP notification step.

    one of the dba's have left the company, and i need to remove

    this e-mail address from each and every job. of course doing this

    through the EM will take for ever so i have beeen spending some

    time trying to query the job-steps.

    i am having some trouble with this.

    is there some other way that this can be done?



  • do a select * from tables in the msdb unless they are pretty big

    then do a select * with a like for the email address in the column that holds it


    can't remember the tables and columns right now

  • Hello,

    You can query the system tables

    sysjobs, sysjobsteps tables by having a join.

    Hope this helps.


  • I don't know how much this will help, but here's a query I wrote long ago to do a quick informational dump on all jobs on an instance. For what you're doing it's at least a start, and will point you in the right direction.

    You can directly update the msdb job tables--their not really system files--but any modifications made directly to the tables will not be "known" by SQL Agent. [Turn on SQL Profiler, do one by hand, and you'll see there's a lot of stuff going on under the hood]. A quick work-around to this is to stop and restart SQL Agent.


    USE msdb

    -- List relevant information about jobs on a per-job basis






    ,sj.notify_level_eventlog EventLog

    ,sj.notify_level_email EMail

    ,isnull(, '-----') MailOp

    ,sj.notify_level_page Pager

    ,isnull(, '-----') PageOp

    ,sj.notify_level_netsend NetSend

    ,isnull(, '-----') NetOp






    from msdb..sysJobs sj

    inner join msdb..sysCategories sc

    on sc.category_id = sj.category_id

    left outer join (select


    ,sum(case enabled when 1 then 1 else 0 end) EnabledSchedules

    ,sum(case enabled when 0 then 1 else 0 end) DisabledSchedules

    from msdb..sysJobSchedules

    group by job_id

    ) sjs

    on sjs.job_id = sj.job_id

    left outer join (select


    ,count(*) TotalSteps

    ,sum(case sjt.subsystem when 'ActiveScripting' then 1 else 0 end) ActScrptSteps

    ,sum(case sjt.subsystem when 'CmdExec' then 1 else 0 end) CmdExecSteps

    ,sum(case sjt.subsystem when 'TSQL' then 1 else 0 end) TSQLSteps

    from msdb..sysJobSteps sjt

    group by sjt.job_id

    ) sjt

    on sjt.job_id = sj.job_id

    left outer join msdb..sysOperators mailOp

    on = sj.notify_email_operator_id

    left outer join msdb..sysOperators pageOp

    on = sj.notify_page_operator_id

    left outer join msdb..sysOperators netOp

    on = sj.notify_Netsend_operator_id

  • excellent feed back! thanks to all for this


  • In future the way to avoid this would be use "Distribution List" so that all the DL's can be maintained on the mail server and you don't have to modify anything on the SQL side.



  • If you use this widget from Gert D. you can script out all the jobs on a server. Using your perferred text editor you can do a global replace and recreate the jobs.

    Two warnings, pne the tool is a little clunky so practice on a dev server. Two, you'll loose all your history since this process will do a drop old and create new.

    good luck

  • Sweet! If that works I'll be golden!



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