Package can not be found...SQLSERVEr2005...package exists

  • Hello ,

    I created a package in SQLserver2005 and then I created a job to call this pacakge using Filesystem and then the job failed . I checked the history  and the log stated that it can not find the  package. 

    Any idea or advice would be appreciated.


  • First move this thread to correct topic so that you can get fast and accurate answer...

    Did you check in the job step at the bottom of general properties tab...package location is should see similar to the following...and when you click the button (...) you should see the package in a seperate window...

     \File system\packagesname


    And also in the command tab package location is the same as in general tab...

    Is Job owner has the rights?


    Microsoft SQL Server MVP

  • Thank, everything looks fine.

    This is command line

    /FILE "\\\SAN\Home\fma01709\My Documents\Visual Studio 2005\Projects\DeveloperEditionProejct\DeveloperEditionProejct\OracleToFMDDeveloperedition.dtsx" /MAXCONCURRENT " -1 " /CHECKPOINTING OFF


    This is the link from job step

    \\SAN\Home\fma01709\My Documents\Visual Studio 2005\Projects\DeveloperEditionProejct\DeveloperEditionProejct\OracleToFMDDeveloperedition.dtsx

  • Does SQL agent has the access to this network folder?

    Why don't you save the dtsx file locally on the server?


    Microsoft SQL Server MVP

  • The sqlserver agent runs under local machine and the folder is located in the same machine, so it should be fine.

    Is there a trace that can be run not profiler that would help to trace issues such as this ?


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