Need backup/restore documentation

  • ...if it exists.

    We were wondering if we could restore log backups taken after a full backup to a previous full backup. For example, if I took these backups in the order below:

    1. Full backup

    2. Log backup

    3. Another full backup

    4. Another log backup

    Could I restore the full backup at step 1, restore log backup at step 2, and then restore the log backup at step 4? Well, I tested it out and it seems like I could do this. My problem is that I can't find anything in BOL and (so far) about this. Has anyone run into any documentation on this subject before that you could share with me? Thanks for your help.

  • The most explicit reference to your question I found (after an inexhaustive search) is in BOL, search the index under "Backups, transaction log" and look at the scenario under the header "Creating a sequence of transaction log backups." It describes a scenario just like you want - restore a full backup, restore some subsequent log backups, skip a full backup, then restore the logs after the skipped backup.

    The upshot is, the transaction log backups maintain a continuous record of the log regardless of full or incremental backups.

  • Ensure the first log backup is restored with NO RESTORE. This enables the second Log Backup to be applied.

  • Thank you so much to both of you!

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