Databases missing in Enterprise manager SQL 2000

  • Hello,

    We are having problem viewing databases for some users under enterprise manager. The databases are present on SQL Server. we can see those databases when connected as sa or system adminsitrator. please help. In past when I used to disconnect and connect as sa and then connect as that user those DBs used to reappear but this time its not working. This trouble is not related to client workstation as we tried it on different workstation.

    Thanks a lot.


  • It's a permissions issue with the other users.  If you don't have access to the database it will not show up in enterprise manager for your user.



  • Tom,

    The users are having permissions. They can query those dbs in query analyzer.




  • Do they see any databases within enterprise manager?


  • Run this below query in query analyzer and get the output of query and run it again.

    USE Master


    SELECT A.RunThisQuery



    SELECT  1 AS ColId,'ALTER DATABASE '+[Name]+ ' SET ONLINE' AS RunThisQuery FROM SysDataBases

    WHERE DatabasePropertyEx([Name],'Status') = 'OFFLINE'


    SELECT  2 AS ColId,'ALTER DATABASE '+[Name]+ ' SET OFFLINE' AS RunThisQuery FROM SysDataBases

    WHERE DatabasePropertyEx([Name],'Status') = 'OFFLINE'

    ) AS A

    ORDER BY A.ColId


    Ram Ramamoorthy


  • Error: 0, Severity: 19, State: 0

    SqlDumpExceptionHandler: Process 68 generated fatal exception c0000005 EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION. SQL Server is terminating this process.


    I was getting this error in eventlog. Looks like the problem caused due to restoration of some new dbs on this server from some other server. The problem went away when we dropped those new dbs. Now we are trying to figure out why this would cause a problem.

    Thanks for your help

  • Check how the SQL Server is registered in Enterprise manager. May it was registered with different user name than the actual user using it. Or Remove the SQL Server Registration in EM and re-register with current user name.

  • Alright guys found the problem. The problem was with missing guest user in the newly restored databases. Here is the kb article from Microsoft. The article also mentions on how to recreate the guest users where ever it is missing. Its not simple sql where you can go and say sp_adduser

    Here is the link:


    Thanks for all your help.

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