How to turn in "LOGIN" in SQL Server 2000

  • Is there such a feature called "LOGIN" that can be turn on in the database?


    We had several access violations errors on database. While on the system I can find out which user/db the error is related too because of the session id. However, the other day I was out of the office and 100 messages were generated in a period of two hours. 

    The messages only contains the following.

    DESCRIPTION: Error: 0, Severity: 19, State: 0

    SqlDumpExceptionHandler: Process 60 generated fatal exception c0000005 EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION. SQL Server is terminating this process.

    I couldn't get any information regarding which account was process 60 from the errror log or the dump file created. Our resident .NET consultant has indicated that if we turn the "LOGIN"  on the SQL server we will get more detail on the errors above.

    I have search for the famous "LOGIN"  , but as far as I understand the only other thing for us to get more details at the time of these errors is to work with profiler.

    Any suggestions or recomendations is greatly appreciated   

  • Based on help online, severity level 19 indicates an SQL Server error in resource. You should be able to find what is process 60 from master..sysprocesses table. You can start from there.

    Another possible problem is that some tasks may not run from a remote server. I had the SqlDumpExceptionHandler error before.



    Does anyone knows how to change a post between forums?

  • Do you mean - move a post to another forum? I don't think you can. You can post:

    Do not answer here. This has been reposted in the appropriate forum (name of forum here).

    Then you can send an email to the SQLServerCentral people and ask that your post be removed.


  • Are you talking about Auditing Login. You can set that at the server level. Look for auditing logins on SQL Server

  • Access Violation can be caused by different reasons.

    I would suggest you to open a Support Case with Microsoft. $249 is not a big deal to save your business.


  • Resolution:

    We will implemet database triggers for tables in the database to insert, update, delete activity. Also create a trace to monitor who is trying to access the database outside the application. Thanks you all for your suggestions.

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