Less records according to Enterprise Manager

  • Hi All,

    In using DTS to transfer records from one table to another I found that I ended up with more records in the destination table than existed in the source table....according to Enterprise manager that is!

    When I use query analyser to do a select * from SourceTable, I get the expected number of records.

    It seems as if Enterprise manager is reporting that the table has fewer rows than actually exist. The table in question exists in an archive database that has had no activity in over a year.

    Any ideas?


    Terry Pino

  • Hello Terry,

    Try one of these.

    EXEC sp_spaceused @updateusage = true

    DBCC UPDATEUSAGE ('<databasename>')

    Leon Bakkers

  • Hi Leon,

    Attempted both but still have the same problem of Enterprise

    manager not reporting all rows. I ran sp_spaceused with the object name and it returned the same number of rows Enterprise manager is reporting. When transferring the records into another database I still end up with more than is reported?






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