Done ShrinkDatabase ! Still no size reduction

  • Hello All,

    Running sp_spaceused

    I am having:

    Database size: 226622.50 MB 

    Unused space: 110851.80 MB

    I have done, dbcc shrink file using 15 % as the target percentage, with truncateonly. I am currently doing DBCC shrinkfile but thats taking ages as well

    Still no reduction in the database size. IS there anything i can do ?



    Kindest Regards,

    John Burchel (Trainee Developer)

  • Since you've already done NoTruncate (which moves all the data to the left, but doesn't release any space), Try using ShrinkDatabase TruncateOnly. This will not move any data but will take as much off the end as possible.

    Kindest Regards,

    Just a bozo on this bus

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