catching errors

  • declare @errors table (

    erroriD varchar (20),

    errorMessage varchar (100))

    insert @errors select '1', 'unable to resolve address'

    insert @errors select '2', 'wrong birthDATE'


    declare @addressLookup table (

    address varchar (100))

    insert @addressLookup

    select'water'union all

    select'29 street'union all

    select'us route 103'


    declare @exception table (

    addressException varchar (100),

    errorID varchar (100))


    declare @address table (

    addressName varchar (100)


    insert @address

    select 'route50 st street'union all

    select 'sand circuit' union all

    select 'water st'union all

    select 'us route 103'union all

    select '29 STREET'


    insert @exception(addressException, errorID)

    select CASE

    when substring(a.addressName, 1, len(a.addressName) - charindex(' ', reverse(a.addressName))+1) not in (select address from @addresslookup al)

    then substring(a.addressName, 1, len(a.addressName) - charindex(' ', reverse(a.addressName)))

    end, '1'

    from @address a

    select * from @exception



    I have to write a SP that should return only the addresses that don't exist in the @addressLookUp and put them in the @exception table.

    What i have written is not what i want. Can someone help me out?



  • Do an outer join to find those not there,  for example


    from tbl1 a

         LEFT OUTER JOIN tbl2 b on

    where is null

    will return only ids from rows in tbl1 that are not in tbl2.

    And this is more correctly a T-SQL problem not administration.

  • Change the Insert statement like this


    @exception(addressException, errorID)


    substring(a.addressName, 1, len(a.addressName) - charindex(' ', reverse(a.addressName))), '1'


    @address a where substring(a.addressName, 1, len(a.addressName) - charindex(' ', reverse(a.addressName))) not in



    substring(a.address, 1, len(a.address) - charindex(' ', reverse(a.address))) from @addresslookup a


    join @address b


    b.addressname like substring(a.address, 1, len(a.address) - charindex(' ', reverse(a.address))) +'%'


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