Issues with DTS FTP Task

  • Hi

      I was trying to create a DTS FTP Task..

      I just configured this task by using ActiveX Script Task..

     After executing the task, downloading file is appearing on my folder for a shorter while and dissappearing!!!!..(The FTP site I provided is out of the LAN).

     When I am executing the same task with a FTP Site inside the LAN.. File is getting downloaded without any issues!!!!

     I am stuck with this for entire day...Please help me if u have any solution

    Thnks in advance

    Agson Chellakudam 

  • I don't think this is a DTS problem; although it may be.  Is there anything else that would be picking up this file and doing something with it?

    Do you have "Overwrite" checked?

    Is the package being run more than once?

    If overwrite is checked, and the step is run more than once, the existing file will be deleted 1st, then the new file downloaded (if possible).

    My recommendation is to not use the FTP step at all.  Write a little bat file that calls FTP, grabs the new file, and does whatever other FTP tasks you need (on the windows command line, type "FTP", then enter.  Then type "help" to see a list of commands available.

    Then use the "Execute Process Task" to call the bat file.  I've found the FTP step to be pretty flaky, so this is how I do it even if it takes a little more setup.

    Signature is NULL

  • Thanks Calvin..

    Actually I noticed one more thing..Small size(in Kbs) files are getting downloaded..But if I am trying to go for a large size file(2 to 3 Mbs), It is not happening!!!!

    I will try to do FTP using .bat files..

  • Hi All

    At last this issue have been Solved!!..After installing Service Pack3(MS SQL 2000), this issue have been solved..

    since I went for a long vacation..I couldn't post it...



  • Hi All

    At last this issue have been Solved!!..After installing Service Pack3(MS SQL 2000), this issue have been solved..

    since I went for a long vacation..I couldn't post it...



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