Articles: Jumpstart TV doesn''t show the promosed article

  • Brian Knight has some very interesting webcasts on JumpStart TV

    But,.. when I want to see them I get strange movies about being a dad.

    E.G. buying tampons for a daughter, swordfight with a son, etc.

    How can I see the promised webcast? What do I wrong? Or, do I have to pay for it?

  • Henk,

    You need not pay for it..what you are seeing is just a commercial..after that you should be able to see what you want...


    Hope this helps...



  • Chinn,

    Thank you for your answer.

    My problem is that after the commercial I see nothing. I waited for 20 minutes, and nothing hapend (I have fast internet, the commercial is loaded in 10 seconds).

    Pressing the >-button plays the commercial again.

    Is there anything I have to do to see the webcast?

    Btw is it a US-only webcast? I live in Europe, so could that be the reason (region-protection)?

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