How to Deal with PK/FK In case of Insert/Update

  • Hi,

    Can anyone one Give me Idea on "How to Deal with Foriegn Key and Primary while Inserting Bulk Data From Other Source".

    I am using information_schema.constraint_table_usage for Disable and Enable all. But this also is creating Problem. Its working for one Insert statement but not working for all in a row.



  • Maybe you could load the data in a staging table. Then you could insert only the valid data in the production table. That would also give you a chance to create any missing rows in the Pk table and then load all the data.

  • Hi

    We do something similar and we have to sp one to disable FK and one to enable Fks

    Heres the scripts

    if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[dbo].[qa_disablefk]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsProcedure') = 1)

    drop procedure [dbo].[qa_disablefk]



    CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.qa_disablefk AS

    declare @table_name varchar(32)

    declare @constraint_name varchar(64)

    declare @sqlstmt varchar(256)

    declare c cursor for

     select a.table_name,a.constraint_name from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.CONSTRAINT_TABLE_USAGE a,


      where a.constraint_name = b.constraint_name

    open c

    fetch next from c

     into @table_name,@constraint_name

    while @@fetch_status =0


     print @table_name

     set @sqlstmt = 'alter table ' + @table_name + ' nocheck constraint ' + @constraint_name

     exec (@sqlstmt)

     fetch next from c

      into @table_name,@constraint_name


    close c

    deallocate c



    GRANT EXECUTE ON dbo.qa_disablefk TO PUBLIC



    if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[dbo].[qa_enablefk]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsProcedure') = 1)

    drop procedure [dbo].[qa_enablefk]


    CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[qa_enablefk] AS

    declare @table_name varchar(32)

    declare @constraint_name varchar(64)

    declare @sqlstmt varchar(256)

    declare c cursor for

     select a.table_name,a.constraint_name from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.CONSTRAINT_TABLE_USAGE a,


      where a.constraint_name = b.constraint_name

    open c

    fetch next from c

     into @table_name,@constraint_name

    while @@fetch_status =0


     print @table_name

     set @sqlstmt = 'alter table ' + @table_name + ' check constraint ' + @constraint_name

     exec (@sqlstmt)

     fetch next from c

      into @table_name,@constraint_name


    close c

    deallocate c


    GRANT EXECUTE ON dbo.qa_enablefk TO PUBLIC




    NOTE please not you may end up with orphan records.





  • An approach I used on a weekly data load a while back might be useful:

    The data we received was, essentially, a change log from the true owner of the data. We might see several records with the same primary key at various points within the file. Sounds similar to your situation.

    I set a baseline number of records to process at once (5000 or 10000, don't recall and no longer have access to the routine, as it belongs to a former employer). If the insert attempt failed, I checked to see if the failure was due to a duplicate key. If so, I cut the number of records being processed in half, and tried again; if necessary, until I got down to one record. Once things were successful, I bumped the number of records processed back up by doubling it for each successful run, until I hit my baseline.

    Mind you, if I had it all to do over again, I would probably at least consider some sort of pre-processing step.

    R David Francis

  • Hi Everyone,

    Thanks for your suggestiona...I have have no other option then inserting Data in Child Table first and then Parent. Otherwise, It may be a problem for Application.

    What to do in case i am getting Severity Levels error like Conversion of Datetime and other Data Type or some else. I don't want to come out of Procedure in any case of Error. I have to process all Records. Is there any suggestion for this. How to handle this type of Error. I have used Dynamic SQL Statement here.


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