Listing database size data

  • I tried searching for this but every time I click "Next 10" I get a blank page...

    I need to get the db size (space used, extents, space free) for each db on my SQL 2000 Server. Is there a simple way to do this? Anyone have a pointer to a script that will do this?

    I know that ultimately I could spend a few hours futzing with sp_msforeachdb and sp_msforeachtable to get the data, but I'm hoping someone already has something like this written.

    ANy help is greatly appreciated.


  • Something like that?

    sp_MSForEachDB @command1='PRINT''[?]''', @command2='USE [?] EXEC sp_spaceused'

    Regards,Yelena Varsha

  • Hi here is an extract of what I use. I still need to amend it to report available space. Hope it's of use. Any suggestion most welcome etc and I must review the thread from Yelena. Rgds Derek.

     set nocount on

     declare @filename   varchar (100)

     declare @sqlcode   nvarchar (600)

     declare @dbname   varchar(25)

     declare @dbstatus  int

     declare @dbsize   dec(15,0)

     declare @logsize   dec(15)

     declare @bytesperpage  dec(15,0)

     declare @pagesperMB  dec(15,0)

     declare @recovery_model varchar(10)


     declare c1 cursor for

      select name, status from master.dbo.sysdatabases (nolock)


     select @bytesperpage = low

      from master.dbo.spt_values (nolock)

       where number = 1

       and type = 'E'


     select @pagesperMB = 1048576 / @bytesperpage

     open c1

     fetch c1 into @dbname, @dbstatus

     while @@fetch_status >= 0



      set @dbsize = 0

      set @logsize = 0


      If @dbname = 'YourDB'


       select @dbsize = sum(convert(dec(15),size))

                        from YourDB.dbo.sysfiles (nolock)

        where (status & 64 = 0)

       select @logsize = sum(convert(dec(15),size))

                        from YourDB.dbo.sysfiles (nolock)

        where (status & 64 <> 0)


      If @dbsize > 0


       If @dbstatus <> 24


        Select @Recovery_Model = 'Full'

        Select 'Database' = @dbname,

         'Total mdf Space' =

          ltrim(str((@dbsize) / @pagesperMB,15,2) + ' MB'),

         'Total ldf Space' =

          ltrim(str((@logsize) / @pagesperMB,15,2) + ' MB'),

         'Recovery Model' = @Recovery_Model

        Select ' '


       If @dbstatus = 24


        Select @Recovery_Model = 'Simple'

        Select 'Database' = @dbname,

         'Total mdf Space' =

          ltrim(str((@dbsize) / @pagesperMB,15,2) + ' MB'),

         'Total ldf Space' =

          ltrim(str((@logsize) / @pagesperMB,15,2) + ' MB'),

         'Recovery Model' = @Recovery_Model

        Select ' '




     fetch c1 into @dbname, @dbstatus


     deallocate c1


  • Hi,

    Try with this one It may help your purpose.


    select @@servername as Server,

     left(@@version, 26) as Version

    declare @dbid int

    declare @maxid int

    declare @dbname sysname

    declare @tablename varchar (255)

    set @maxid = (select max(dbid) from master.dbo.sysdatabases)

    set @dbid = 7 --there are 6 system objects to be excluded *change accordingly.

    while @dbid <= @maxid


        set @dbname = (select name from master.dbo.sysdatabases where dbid = @dbid)

         if (@dbname is not null)

         begin --start of dbname

          select top 0 name into #temptable from sysobjects where 1 = 0 --create temp table

          --Get database information

          exec ('set quoted_identifier off

           select left(upper(''' + @dbname +'''),20) as DATABASE_NAME,

           left(rtrim(filename),55) as Data_File,

           rtrim(str(convert(dec(15),size)/128,15,2)) +''MB'' as size

           from [' + @dbname + '].dbo.sysfiles group by size, filename, name')


          exec('insert into #temptable select name from '+@dbname+'.dbo.sysobjects

           where xtype = ''u'' and name <> ''dtproperties'' order by name')

          --get the very first record on the temp table

          set @tablename = (select top 1 name from #temptable)

          while exists(select name from #temptable where name >= @tablename)


           exec ('select left(,30) as TABLE_NAME, si.rowcnt as ROWS,

            str(sum(si.dpages)) +''MB'' as DataSpaceUsed, str(sum(si.used) - sum(si.dpages)) +''MB'' as IndexSizeUsed

            from '+@dbname+'.dbo.sysobjects so

            inner join '+@dbname+'.dbo.sysindexes si

            on =    

            where (so.xtype = ''u'') and (si.indid) = 0 and (si.indid in (0, 1, 255)) and = '''+@tablename+'''

            group by, si.rows, si.rowcnt')

           exec ('use '+@dbname+'; exec sp_helpindex '''+@tablename+'''')

          set @tablename = (select top 1 name from #temptable where name > @tablename)


          set @dbid = @dbid + 1

          drop table #temptable

         end --end dbname


        set @dbid = @dbid + 1


  • Hi, I'll certainly test this against one our servers. Thanks a million and I'll update the thread later with how I got on. Thanks again, Derek

  • Thanks for all the suggestions. I was puttering around with it from home last night and did a sp_helpdb from Master and got all the basic info I need: Name, Size, Owner and Date Created. I don't need to know indexes or splits between data and log.


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