DTS Dynamic Property ServerName Not being reset

  • I built a DTS pkg on ServerQA.  In my initial Dynamic Properties task, I use the following SQL to render my server name (ServerQA):


    This works fine on my ServerQA.  When I port the pkg to ServerPROD, the pkg fails to render the new Servername in this statement.  It continues to render ServerQA and runs the process on ServerQA.

    fyi, my Dynamic Property Task attributes are:

    Destination Property: DataSource

    Source Type: Query


    Can someone help clarify why the ServerName is not being Dynamically reset when I move my pkg to a different Server?  (I sourced my soluiton from this forum: http://www.sqlservercentral.com/columnists/tdavid/moreportabledtspackages.asp)


  • This was removed by the editor as SPAM

  • At what point is the Dynamic Property task being run in the package? In most cases you'll want that task to run first.

  • It's the 1st Task.  I mirror'd a solution I found on this forum:


    My pkg runs DynPropTask #1 1st -- issuing a SELECT SERVERPROPERTY('SERVERNAME')

    It runs fine on my QA Server.  When I save the Pkg to my PROD Server, it continues to execute on my QA Server.  FYI, I do not use Global Variables at all in the pkg. 

    I'm using the dual Dynamic Properties back-to-back tasks presented in the link above.  Thanks for any assistance.

  • I'd love to see a solution to this, too. I was using a Dynamic Properties task to do the same thing, but looping through a list of servers. It worked fine when run locally, but as soon as I scheduled the task (using the same login as I was using locally), it would connect to the first server and run, then stay connected to the first server (instead of moving on) and run again. Meant lots of duplicate data and made it useless to track the numbers I wanted to track on our servers.

    I was using SP3 w/ the (released) post-SP3 hotfix. v818, I think.


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