Log Shipping Problem!! help!!urgent!!!!

  • Hi,


    I created log shipping. Log retore and copy works fine and changes also goes through but some how the error comes like

    i am getting error in server log is:

    The log shipping source (local).test has not backed up for 325 minutes..

    when i see the log shipping monitor the copy and load show the right log copied and restored. but the first the last back up: it shows first_file0000000.trn!!

    please advise anyone???to how to solve this!!



  • Hi,

    Sounds like there's a problem with your primary server not being able to talk to the monitoring server - or it's not being set up right.

    Check that the primary server service account has sufficient permissions on the monitoring server.  Also make sure that the backup job on the primary server is running under the sa account.

    Check to see what rows are in the msdb..log_shipping_monitor table in the msdb database on the primary server.  Also check what the corresponding entry is on the secondary server.

    If all else fails, you can redefine the log shipping monitor on the primary server using the following procedure.  If you use @logon_type of 2 then you need to supply @user_name and @password parameters.




    = '<enter server name for monitoring server>',


    = 1, -- 1=NT Logon, 2=SQL Logon


    = 1 --delete existing entry

    My guess though is that you shouldn't have to go that far as it's probably just a permissions thing with the primary not being able to talk to the monitoring server.

    Hope that helps,

  • Can i change to SQL log on now? if so then how!!!?



  • i check the permission but everything looks fine to me and on top of that the copy and restore job works perfectly fine and all the changes also goes through so need to find out what could change i can make to the process so it show me the right name on the back when it was last back up????

  • This has nothing to do with the log shipping process but rather with the reporting of the backup process.

    As you pointed out, log shipping is working fine.

    Check the following things:

    What user owns the Transaction Log Backup job on the primary?  If it's not sa, change it to sa.

    Are there any rows in msdb..log_shipping_monitor on the primary?  If not, run the stored procedure sp_define_log_shipping_monitor (as indicated in my previous post).

    Is the service account that is running SQL Server on the primary server a domain account with access to the monitoring server?  If it isn't a service account, run sp_define_log_shipping_monitor but you'll need to supply a password and username for a login that exists on the monitoring server - and you'll need to change the @logon_type parameter to 2.

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