converting hours to minutes

  • I have a field that contains nvarchar datatype in the format that can vary from h:mm to hhhh:mm, for example, 211:34. That's 211 hours and 34 minutes. I need to convert that to 12694 minutes or 211.56 hours. I'm having a tough time splitting the hrs, from the min. Any suggestions would be much appreicated.



  • Try this,


    DECLARE @Minutes INT


    DECLARE @HoursToMinutes INT

    DECLARE @Hours INT

    DECLARE @Position INT

    SET @Time = '211:34'

    SET @Position = PATINDEX('%:%', @Time)

    SET @Hours = SUBSTRING(@Time, 0, @Position)

    SET @Minutes = RIGHT(@Time, 2)

    SET @HoursToMinutes = @Hours * 60

    SELECT @NewTime = @HoursToMinutes + @Minutes

    SELECT @NewTime

    Kindest Regards,

  • Here's another (similar) way:

    declare @time nvarchar(20)

    declare @timefloat float

    declare @minutes int

    set @time = '211:34'

    set @timefloat = replace(@time,':','.')

    set @minutes = floor(@timefloat) * 60 + (@timefloat - floor(@timefloat)) * 100



    The absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.
    Martin Rees

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    Stan Laurel

  • Thank you both for the replies. Honestly, I am really a novice with SQL. I'm using SQL Query Analyzer and I plan to dump the results into excel and create a pivot table. I know that I can do the calculations in excel, but I want to do them the analyzer if possible. I have tried using pretty much all of the string functions that I could read up on and I still can't get it to work.

  • Hi,

    Try this in QA, and see if you get any wiser..

    create table #t(hhhh_mm nvarchar(20))

    insert #t(hhhh_mm) select N'211:34' union select N'11:34' union select N'1:34'

    select hhhh_mm, left(hhhh_mm,charindex(N':',hhhh_mm)-1) * 60 + right(hhhh_mm,2) as minutes

    from #t

    drop table #t

    You must unlearn what You have learnt

  • Hello,

    All three suggestions are correct.  If you always have the minutes portion as a two-digit number, like these examples:





    Then this query SQL should work in QA:

    SELECT substring(zTime,1,len(zTime)-3) as hrs,

      substring(zTime,len(zTime)-1,2) as min,


      + convert(int,substring(zTime,len(zTime)-1,2)) as total_min




    With this result set:

    hrs min total_min

    118 45 7125

    120 55 7255

    122 15 7335


    Bob Monahon

  • Thanks, I will give it a try.

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