Using Declare and SET in an INSERT statement using a stored procedure

  • I have created two tables that are called ReceiptAuto and Receipts.  In both tables is a field called "ReceiptAuto" that automatically generates a unique number based upon three types of fields: 1) cost center that is called deptid in the the users table; 2) current year, and 3) sequential number - 00001.  The entire field would be displayed as: 2030400001.

    Scenario:  When a user logs into an application it ties the emplid and deptid (cost center) together.  However, the deptid will not show. In the Receipts table I have declared a several variables that I need to tie into the users table.  Question 1: How do I change the value '123' that associates the userid and deptid in order for the right value to be declare?  (See tables below)

    Receipts Table:

    CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.spInsert_Receipts

     @ReceiptID int,

     @ReceiptAuto char(12),   (This is the ReceiptAutoID from the ReceiptAuto table shown below.)

     @CityID  int,

     @RcptDate datetime out,

     @RcptAmt numeric(18,0),

     @OfficeID int,

     @PymtTypeID int,

     @CheckNum char(10),

     @RecdFrom char(10),

     @CaseNumber varchar(15),

     @CasePlaintiff varchar(30),

     @CaseDefendant varchar(30),

     @CourtName varchar(30),

     @SubpeonaDate datetime,

     @UserID int,

     @Waived bit,

     @WaivedReason varchar(512),

     @Voided bit,

     @VoidDate datetime out,

     @VoidReason varchar(512)





    DECLARE @costCenter char(3), @nextNum int

    SET @costCenter = '123' (this needs to tie into the users table based upon userid and deptid, see below)

    SET @nextNum = (select ReceiptAutoID from ReceiptAuto)

    UPDATE ReceiptAuto

    SET ReceiptAutoID = ReceiptAutoID + 1

    SELECT @costCenter + RIGHT(DATEPART(yy,GETDATE()) ,2) + REPLICATE('0',5-LEN(@nextNum)) + CAST(@nextNum as varchar(5))  (I need to move a copy of this to the @ReceiptAuto field, but I'm not sure how to display it correctly)

    IF @RcptDate Is Null

     SET @RcptDate = (getdate())

    IF @VoidDate Is Null

     SET @VoidDate = (getdate())

    INSERT INTO [Receipts] (

     ReceiptAuto, (do I need this field here, since it's being automatically created from the ReceiptAuto table)



















    Values (

     @ReceiptAuto, SELECT @costCenter + RIGHT(DATEPART(yy,GETDATE()) ,2) + REPLICATE('0',5-LEN(@nextNum)) + CAST(@nextNum as varchar(5))  




















    ReceiptAuto Table:

    ReceiptAutoID  int

    Users Table:

    CREATE View dbo.vwSelect_Users









     RTRIM(SUBSTRING(DEPTID, 3, 3)) + ' - ' + DESCR AS "Cost Center",




    FROM  [Users]

    Sample Data:

    10200400001 24 Central Station - 10 2004-10-19 07:52:58.310 71 2 NULL 1010       Cottontail, Peter      123456789 Cottontail, Peter Bunny, Bugs San Bernardino Municipal 2004-10-01 00:00:00.000 360 NULL NULL NULL 2004-10-19 07:52:58.310 NULL

    16200400002 20 City: Highland - 16 2004-10-21 13:02:39.060 120 1 980        4312       Miller, Barney   223459811 Bird, Tweety Stallone, Sylvester Chino Court 2004-11-02 00:00:00.000 360 1 On Welfare NULL 2004-10-21 13:02:39.060 NULL

    57200400003 2 City: Apple Valley - 57 2004-10-22 10:04:29.047 52 1 452        NULL Stallone, Sylvester 465398712 Sixkiller, Paul Poindexter, Ernesto Victorville Municipal 2005-01-15 00:00:00.000 360 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL

    30200400004 20 City: Rancho Cucamonga - 30 2004-10-22 10:14:32.547 45 2 NULL 2365       Bird, Tweey NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL 360 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL

  • Is there any particular reason you bother with an intelligent PK?

    In general, one of the criterias for a 'good' PK - is that it should not mean anything. PK's with a meaning is 'bad' - and thus also more difficult to work with. Any chance you could skip all this 'smart-key' stuff and just settle for a meaningless number or such..?


  • Try this:

    -- set the value to your query

    set @ReceiptAuto = (SELECT @costCenter + RIGHT(DATEPART(yy,GETDATE()) ,2) + REPLICATE('0',5-LEN(@nextNum)) + CAST(@nextNum as varchar(5)))

    "-- (I need to move a copy of this to the @ReceiptAuto field, but I'm not sure how to display it correctly)"

    --modify the insert

    INSERT INTO [Receipts] (

     ReceiptAuto, --(do I need this field here, since it's being automatically created from the ReceiptAuto table)



















    Values (




















    I think this is what you are looking for.



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