DTS Active X file create / write failure.

  • Trying to loop through all the files in a directory and split each file into separate pieces based on the number of header rows in the file.

    The text file read works.

    The tso.WriteLine(strText) line fails.

    Suggestions on what I am doing wrong would be appreciated.



    '  Split the file if it has more than one header row


    Function Main()

     Const ForReading = 1

                 Const ForWriting  =  2

                 Const HeaderLine = "-HEADER"

     ' our variables

     Dim objFSODirectory

     Dim myFile

     Dim objTextStream

     Dim strText

     Dim strInFileName

     Dim strOutFileName

     Dim sFiles

     Dim sTargetFolder

     Dim oFSO

     Dim outFileName

     Dim tso

     ' Create File System Object

     Set oFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")


     ' Get the root directory name from global variable

     Set sTargetFolder = oFSO.GetFolder(DTSGlobalVariables"ToDirectory").Value)

     Set sFiles  = sTargetFolder.Files


    For Each sFiles In sFiles

         sFileName = sFiles.Name

         sFilesPath = sFiles.Path

        'open text file

        Set objTextStream = oFSO.OpenTextFile(sFiles , ForReading , False)

        outFileName = sFileName  + ".1"

        Set  tso = oFSO.OpenTextFile(outFileName, ForWriting, True)

        If not objTextStream.AtEndOfStream Then

             Do While not objTextStream.AtEndOfStream

                   strText = objTextStream.ReadLine

                   If InStr(strText, HeaderLine) Then

                        strMsg = strText + "   is a header line." 

                        msgBox  strMsg

                   End If






        End If


    ' objTextStream.Close

     Set objTextStream = Nothing

     Set tso = Nothing

     Main = DTSTaskExecResult_Success

    End Function






  • changed the location of closing the out text stream, it was closing after every writing a line and not being reopened. Check the error number and description after each operation, reset the err after each operation.

        If not objTextStream.AtEndOfStream Then

            Do While not objTextStream.AtEndOfStream

                   strText = objTextStream.ReadLine



       End If



  • Thanks for the help.

    Trying to learn this from an online tutorial which indicated the close had to come after each write to get the text to appear in the file. Odd, but at the moment I am too lost to argue.

    How / where do the return codes get back to the program? That's the other thing I haven't been able to find yet. I don't see where the "SET tso =  " yields a checkable return.


  • To get any error info on the operation


        Set  tso = oFSO.OpenTextFile(outFileName, ForWriting, True)

    if err.number <> 0 then

       msgbox err.desc

    End if   

    Try this - when the tso object is closed you get an error.

        If not objTextStream.AtEndOfStream Then

             Do While not objTextStream.AtEndOfStream

                   strText = objTextStream.ReadLine



        End If


    The default file path if none is set in outfilename is 

    ..\..\microsoft sql server\80\tools\bin


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