mmc crashes when define text file as source

  • Basically, i want to create a simple package. Select a query from sql table and export with field headings the results to the destination text file. However, when I create a TransformDataTask and try to define the columns to be in the text file, it crashes. Specially, on the Source tab, I enter a query, then when I click ok, it jumps to the third tab-Transformation. But I can't define the destiation columns using Copy or Write File. So I switch back to the Destination tab and click Execute. Then I click Define columns and it crashes with the typical memory exception error:

    mmc.exe application error

    ..xx00099xx etc..the memory could not be written

    I have SQLSrv 2000 sp3. Is there a mmc fix? Thanks.



  • I had this problem, in my case the answer was as simple as updating the PC with the Enterprise manager to the same version as the server, and installing the matching version of MDAC on the PC the enterprise manager was crashing on.

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