Creating Table with GetDate Function

  • Is there a way to create a table with the current date as part of the table name? I tried using a create table statement using the getdate function but it didn't like that. Here's what I tried:

    create table tblTEST+'_'+getdate()

    The result was: Incorrect syntax near '+'.

    Is there a way to create a table with the date as part of the table name?



  • try this

    declare @tbname varchar(60)

    set @tbname = 'tblTEST'+'_'+convert(varchar,getdate(),112)

    select @tbname

    exec('create table '+@tbname+'(c1 int)')


     [SentDate] [smalldatetime] NULL CONSTRAINT [DF_ADS_RemitanceTransaction_SentDate] DEFAULT (getdate()))

    My Blog:

  • explains how you can do it, and also, why this is a bad idea in most cases.

    Frank Kalis
    Microsoft SQL Server MVP
    My blog:[/url]

  • You do not need dynamic sql to do this. You can crate the table with a dummy name first, and use sp_rename to give it the name you want :

    declare @tblname sysname

    set @tblname = 'dbo.tblTEST_' + convert(varchar(8),getdate(),112)

    print @tblname

    create table dbo.__temporaryname__ ( i int not null )

    exec sp_rename 'dbo.__temporaryname__',@tblname

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