Just-in Time Debugger for VBScript Not Launching for XP Client

  • I just tried using the just-in-time debugger for a DTS VBScript task since my client computer was upgraded from Win NT to Win XP awhile ago.

    I have the property turned on in EM and there's a STOP statement in my VBScript task, but the debugger is not launching when the task encounters an error.  Are there any known bugs/issues/workarounds for this?


  • Thanks for the suggestion, but reinstalling the script debugger did not work.

    I found that account "SQLDebugger" (which is used by the script debugger) needs to be in group "Debugger Users".  It was in group "Users" who are not allowed privilege for script debugging.  This is working now.

    Not that I would need this, but along the same lines I noticed that even though my account is in the administrators group (which also belongs to "Debugger Users") is not allowed to select "debug" for any processes in Windows Task Mgr.  Maybe that's a different debugger (maybe msdev.exe which I don't have installed).


  • The script debugger is just that, a debugger for VBScript.

    You can't debug anything other than VBScripts.

    Colt 45 - the original point and click interface

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