Migration from sql server 6 to sql server 2000

  • hi everybody,

    (Hope I am sending this query in rite forum)

    I am asked to perform the task of migration from sql server 6 to sql server 2000 by my boss.

    As of now I dont know wht does it mean?

    I mean whether this migration implies transfering data objects from one version of server to another?I dont know.

    Pls help me to know whether its possible to migrate from sql server 6 to sql server 2000.I mean is migration(not updation) from sql server 6 to sql server 2000 possible?If so, how?

    Ne help will be appreciated greatly.

    Thanks in advance.


  • Upgrading Databases from SQL Server 6.5 (Upgrade Wizard)

    You can convert data from Microsoft® SQL Server™ version 6.5 to the formats for SQL Server 2000 using the SQL Server Upgrade Wizard. The wizard upgrades any or all of your databases, transferring all catalog data, objects, and user data. It also transfers replication settings, SQL Executive settings, and most of the SQL Server 6.5 configuration options.

    The SQL Server Upgrade Wizard does not remove SQL Server 6.5 from your computer. If you are using a tape backup to perform the upgrade, you have the option of removing the SQL Server 6.5 devices to save disk space.

    When the upgrade process is complete, two separate installations of SQL Server exist, including two separate sets of the same data. The SQL Server 6.5 and the SQL Server 2000 installations become independent of each other.

    Refer to BOL for more deatils on the same topic

    -- Amit

    "There is no 'patch' for stupidity."

    Download the Updated SQL Server 2005 Books Online.

  • Thanks Amit

    But sql server 2000 is installed on another m/c and sql server 6.5 is on my m/c.

    I am not doing upgration on my m/c but migration of data from my m/c (sql server 6 to sql server 2000 on another m/c)

    Is it possible?I hope u r getting my problem.




  • Hi Everyone,

    Does ne one know whether its possible to migrate data and objects from sql server 6 installed on one m/c to sql server 2000 on another m/c in one step.(Not thru sql 6 to sql 7 n to sql2000)

    Waiting for reply



  • If you are referring to SQL Server 6 then you have to upgrade to SQL Server 6.5 to be able to upgrade to SQL Server 2000.

  • I was doing a similar conversion as "proof of concept" project. The SQL 2000 server's "Copy Database Wizard" could not access the SQL 6.5's databases. I had another machine with SQL 7 on it. SQL 7's "Copy Database Wizard" worked just fine accessing 6.5. Then I used SQL 2000's wizard to read SQL 7 database.

    It was a minor inconvenience considering all the manual work I would have had to do to make the conversion in 1 jump from 6.5 to 2000. The SQL 7 "server" was my PC running Windows 2000 Pro with the "development" version of SQL 7 that came with VB 6. So it's not like I had to go out and "buy" or configure the "stepping stone". I already had it running



  • Jaishree,

    If you have SQL Server 6.0, you'll have to upgrade to either v6.5 or v7.0 before upgrading to 2000.

    See this MS TechNet white paper on upgrading -




  • If it is only Data migration from one SQL 6.5 server to another SQL 2000 box, you could use DTS or BCP.

    I would have done following.

    1. Generate Script for each and every database objects (table/view/proc/trigger/index) On SQL 6.5 box

    2. Run the script on SQL 2000 box to recreate all objects

    3. Run DTS from SQL 2000 box to copy all data from SQL 6.5 to SQL 2000


    BCP out data from SQL 6.5 to text files. BCP IN data from text files to SQL 2000.


    Create a Linked server (using SQLOLEDB provider) on SQL 2000 pointing to SQL 6.5 and

    run commands like following on SQL 2000 box

    insert table1

    select SQL65SRV.dbname.object_owner.table1


    I hope this solves your problem.

    -- Amit

    "There is no 'patch' for stupidity."

    Download the Updated SQL Server 2005 Books Online.

  • Thanks Everybody,

    I will just try wht best suits with my case n wud let u know.

    Thanks again everybody.


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