Select records closest to 10:00am?

  • I have a need to search a vary large table of data for multiple stock securities and types and return just the records for each security that are closest to 10:00 am, but not past this time.

    The data in the large table was imported via DTS and includes an ID field (smallint) for each security, a datetime DATE field, a datetime TIME field and about a dozen other fields.

    The DATE field has dates, with the time part set to zeros.  The TIME field has dates 1899-12-30 plus the time.

    I would like to select just records from this table for each security and each day (1 record per day) where the time is closest to 10:00 am, but not past 10:00 am.

    I am fairly new to SQL Server and I'm not sure how to do this.  Any help will be appreciated.  I did find that the following expression will return the number of minutes +- from 10:00 am for each record.

    datediff(minute, (CONVERT(datetime, '1899-12-30 10am')),[TIME])


    Bill Patterson

    UW-Madison School of Business

  • Try this:

    SELECT, a.fromid, a.toid, a.body

    from Stocks a

    where IN (select max( from Stocks b

      where datepart(hh, < 10

      group by convert(varchar(10),, 112))

  • Try:

    select tbl.*


    tbl join

    (select [ID],[DATE],max([TIME]) as [TIME] from tbl

    where [TIME] < '18991230 10:00:00.000'

    group by [ID],[DATE] ) as closest_to_ten

    on tbl.[ID] = closest_to_ten.[ID]

    and tbl.[DATE] = closest_to_ten.[DATE]

    and tbl.[TIME] = closest_to_ten.[TIME]


    You must unlearn what You have learnt

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