Passing Where Clause as parameter to Stored Procedure

  • Hi,

    I am trying to create a stored procedure. This stored procedure should display the anomalies results. The Anomalies could be records with Price <= 0 or Cost <= 0 or Qty <= 0. The Price, Cost and Qty are the columns in the table. Instead of having separate stored procedure for each anomaly (price, Cost, Qty) I want to create a generic stored procedure and pass to this stored procedure the where condition(which states whether we need Price or Cost or Qty Anomalies) as input parameter. When I create the stored procedure I'm getting the syntax error. Below is the sample code for stored procedure Code

    CREATE PROCEDURE spAnomResults
    (@WhereCondition VARCHAR(100)
    @StartDate datetime,
    @EndDate datetime)
    SELECT * FROM table where '+@WhereCondition+'
    and Period between @StartDate and @EndDate

    Please let me know how I could do this.


  • Search the forums on 'Dynamic SQL'

    Search the forums on 'SQL Injection' to see why you shouldn't use it.


  • Create proc spAnomResults @qte as int = null, @Price as decimal(18,4) = null, @Cost as decimal(18,4) = null, @DateStart as datetime, @DateEnd as datetime

    Select * from dbo.Orders where OrderDate between @DateStart and @DateEnd

    and (Qte < @qte or @qte is null)

    and (Price < @Price or @Price is null)

    and (Cost < @Cost or @Cost is null)

  • Article on dynamic sql and why it should NOT be used... especially in this case.

  • Thank you All. I have used Remi Gregoire's code. It is working.

    Thanks Remi Gregoire.



  • HTH

  • Hi,

    Now I have to perform two more Anomalies. One is (Cost > Price) and the other is All Anomalies i.e. Price <= 0 or Cost <= 0 or Qty <= 0. Is there a way to insert this logic in the previous stored procedure. Suppose if i use Dynamic Sql and if i want to pass date variables how could I that. I'm getting an error when I try to execute the stored procedure which has dynamic sql and contains date variables in that dynamic sql.

    Following is the sample

    DECLARE @WhereCondition VARCHAR(100)



    EXEC ('select * from table1' + @WhereCondition + 'Period between ' + @StartDate + ' AND ' @EndDate')

    Please let me know if i need to place any extra code for this to work.



  • I'm not gonna say this again to you. DON'T USE DYNAMIC SQL FOR THIS.

    Create proc spAnomResults @qte as int = null, @Price as decimal(18,4) = null, @Cost as decimal(18,4) = null, @DateStart as datetime, @DateEnd as datetime, @CostPriceCheck as bit = null

    Select * from dbo.Orders where OrderDate between @DateStart and @DateEnd

    and (Qte < @qte or @qte is null)

    and (Price < @Price or @Price is null)

    and (Cost < @Cost or @Cost is null)

    and ((@CostPriceCheck = 1 AND Cost < Price) OR @CostPriceCheck IS NULL)

    Keep in mind that everytime you pass one more parameter, you add a cumulative condition. If it's not what you need write back and I'll try to help you out some more.

  • Thanks Remi Gregoire. I have worked it out using your sample. I appreciate your help. I'm new to Sql Server. I have started it 6 months back. And I'm learning to do things efficiently. Thanks for your feedback.


  • Hi,

    I'm new to SQL myself and I was admiring the code snippet from Remi.

    Should the conditions being checked be "OR" rather than "AND" as all the conditions need to agree to have it display - correct me if I'm wrong as I want to learn.

    Remi - I have saved your code as a worthwhile example - thanks





  • Think about what you just said.

    Create proc spAnomResults @qte as int = null, @Price as decimal(18,4) = null, @Cost as decimal(18,4) = null, @DateStart as datetime, @DateEnd as datetime, @CostPriceCheck as bit = null

    Select * from dbo.Orders where OrderDate between @DateStart and @DateEnd



    (Qte < @qte or @qte is null)

    or (Price < @Price or @Price is null)

    or (Cost < @Cost or @Cost is null)

    or ((@CostPriceCheck = 1 AND Cost < Price) OR @CostPriceCheck IS NULL))

    If any of the nullable parameters are set to null then ALL the records would come back from that DateRange.

    I'll try to think of a way to use the or operator for this stored proc, but this will be a first for me...

  • Maybe something like this could be a substitute for the OR requirements :

    Create proc spAnomResults @qte as int = null, @Price as decimal(18,4) = null, @Cost as decimal(18,4) = null, @DateStart as datetime, @DateEnd as datetime, @CostPriceCheck as bit = null


    Select * from dbo.Orders where OrderDate between @DateStart and @DateEnd


    0 < CASE

    WHEN NOT @qte IS NULL AND Qte < @qte THEN 1

    WHEN NOT @Price IS NULL AND Price < @Price THEN 1

    WHEN NOT @Cost IS NULL AND Cost < @Cost THEN 1

    WHEN NOT @CostPriceCheck IS NULL AND Cost < Price THEN 1

    ELSE 0 END

  • Hi,

    Why don't we use And clause in the query? The logic seems correct to me if we use And clause.

    Create proc spAnomResults @qte as int = null, @Price as decimal(18,4) = null, @Cost as decimal(18,4) = null, @DateStart as datetime, @DateEnd as datetime, @CostPriceCheck as bit = null

    Select * from dbo.Orders where OrderDate between @DateStart and @DateEnd

    and (Qte < @qte or @qte is null)

    and (Price < @Price or @Price is null)

    and (Cost < @Cost or @Cost is null)

    and ((@CostPriceCheck = 1 AND Cost < Price) OR @CostPriceCheck IS NULL)

    Suppose if call the procedure like EXEC spAnomResults '2/25/2005','3/3/2005',@Qty=0

    then the query becomes

    Select * from dbo.Orders where OrderDate between '2/25/2005' and '3/3/2005'

    and (Qte < 0 or 0 is null)

    and (Price < null or null is null)

    and (Cost < null or null is null)

    and ((@CostPriceCheck = 1 AND Cost < Price) OR null IS NULL)

    Since null is null will evaluate to true I think the query becomes

    Select * from dbo.Orders where OrderDate between '2/25/2005' and '3/3/2005'

    and (Qte < 0)

    which is what I wanted. Please correct me if I'm wrong and let me know whether I need to use And or 'OR' clause.



  • Depends on what you need.

    exec spAnomResults qte = 1, Cost = 1


    Create proc spAnomResults @qte as int = null, @Price as decimal(18,4) = null, @Cost as decimal(18,4) = null, @DateStart as datetime, @DateEnd as datetime, @CostPriceCheck as bit = null


    Select * from dbo.Orders where OrderDate between @DateStart and @DateEnd


    0 < CASE


    WHEN NOT @Price IS NULL AND Price < @Price THEN 1

    WHEN NOT 1 IS NULL AND Cost < 1 THEN 1

    WHEN NOT @CostPriceCheck IS NULL AND Cost < Price THEN 1

    ELSE 0 END


    Select * from dbo.Orders where OrderDate between @DateStart and @DateEnd

    and (Qte < 1 or 1 is null)

    and (Price < null or null is null)

    and (Cost < 1 or 1 is null)

    and ((@CostPriceCheck = 1 AND Cost < Price) OR null IS NULL)

    the 2nd query will return all the lines ONLY IF BOTH Qte and Cost are under 1. While the first query would return a row if EITHER or both of 'em are under 1.

    I think the case version is more flexible as you can check for more problems at once... and it should be pretty fast too since the case is a shortcircuit meaning that once any condition is met, nothing else gets checked. But now that I think of it, it might start a clustered index scan, but you'd have to do testing to see which one runs faster assuming they both fulfill your needs.

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