subquery returning entire row based on comparison and min value

  • RowID     Priority     Value

    111           0             8

    112           0             32

    113            1            13

    114            2             118


    I want a subquery to test for the lowest "priority" row whose "value" meets the condition >15, and return the RowID

  • I didn't test this, but..

    SELECT ActualTable.*

    FROM ActualTable


          (SELECT Min(Priority) AS Priority

          FROM ActualTable

          WHERE Value > 15) MinPriority

        ON ActualTable.Priority = MinPriority.Priority

    Note that this will return all records who have the minimum Priority that have a value greater than 15 (which in this case happens to be one record).


    Everett Wilson

  • I guess I tried to oversimplify the problem too much. 

    There is an outer query containing about 10 tables joined.  For each record in one of the joined tables, say "MasterTable", I want to see if any rows from a related (by "GroupID") table will match a set of criteria, say we check its "Value", and of those matching, I want the one with the lowest "Priority", or to ignore the entire row altogether.

    MasterTable (MT)

    MTID    GroupID

    0001     1000

    0002     1001

    SlaveTable (ST)

    STID    GroupID    GradeID    Priority    Value

    0087     1000        X           0          87

    0088     1000        Y           2          12

    0089     1000        Z           1          40

    0090     1001        A           0         124

    0091     1001        A           0          76

    0092     1001        B           1         850

    so lets say the value I want to match is <50

    so, for the MasterTable, I would be reading the first row (0001), then try to return the GradeID whose GroupID matches (down to records 0087,0088,0089) and whose value is less than 50 (down to records 0088,0089) and now I'll take the first record available that has the lowest priority (0089)

    Here is my attempt:

    select ..... MT.* .....from ..... join MasterTable MT .... join (select TOP 1 GradeID,GroupID from SlaveTable Where Value<50 ORDER BY Priority ASC ) ST on MT.GroupID=ST.GroupID

    The problem above was that the inner select evaluated before I could use the constraint limiting it to the rows matching the outer table, but I can't do the constraint on the inner table table either, because it doesnt recognize the outer table

  • Ouch.  The problem being that you really don't want to stick the 10 joined tables into the subquery in order to find one lousy data point.  I don't know any other way to do this in the SQL (someone else might). 

    What I can suggest is comparing performance of sticking the whole mess into the subquery versus using a temporary table (build master, determine add'l data and update master).

    Everett Wilson

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