New Window On Reply?

  • I'd like to see the forums changed so that it does not pop up a new window when you hit Reply. To me, this is just annoying behavior and I can see no use for it. If others like it, perhaps you can make an option in the user profile where it can be turned on or off.



  • It's annoying me too. We're working on it.


  • I like it since it gives me the ability to look back in the other window and refer to the actual post that I'm replying to. -SQLBill

  • SQLBill,

    That's the curious thing, the previous post appears in the new window, above the reply text box. I see your post above as I edit this response. On other message sites I frequent, the way their software does it, several of the previous posts in the thread appear below the reply area so you can refer to them if needed.

    One site just automatically puts a "quick reply" area at the bottom of each thread so you can whip out a reply without hitting a reply button or anything, if you want. I am kind of thinking that this site might also be able to just drop the full featured Reply area (since it isn't that big) at the end of each thread for quick replies. This might satisfy all. What would be best, I suppose, would to be drop the reply area at the end of each page, if it is a multi-page thread. You would want to put large page numbers or something on each page so that the user would not guess he was at the end of the thread just because the reply area was at the end os the page. Perhaps red, bold pages numbers and navigation links ABOVE the reply area if it is not the last page.

    But, since you like the current behavior, that might be more of a reason to put an option in the user profile.

    Please, don't anyone take this as griping and moaning. I'm just trying to compare notes and discuss this situation.



  • That 'quick reply' feature is really neat and handy.

    Actually, this new window is not that bad at all. But what annoys me, is that when you post a reply, it shows up only in that new window. When you close it, to return to where you came from, you must refresh your browser to see your reply. So, if you decide to stay with the new window solution, what about synchronizing both windows (don't ask me, how this shold be done, I don't know)

    I guess everything would be easier when you only use one instance.

    Frank Kalis
    Microsoft SQL Server MVP
    My blog:[/url]

  • It might be neat if........once you click on "post reply" the new window would close. -SQLBill

  • While we're at it ...

    When I click on "Users That Need Help" links in the daily emails, the first click brings me to the forum page containing the question referenced by the link.  So far so good!

    However, when I go back to the email, leaving my IE browser open, and click on a second link, it refreshes my IE page but does NOT move me back there.  I have to manually click back to IE.  To me, this defeats the purpose of clicking on a link.

    Can this be fixed?

    Connecticut, USA

  • DanaH,

    I don't know if that is a function that can be fixed by the site. The only reason I say this is because I get a different behavior myself, in that every link I click on opens a new browser window. Every once in a while clicking on one of those links will actually reuse another window I have opened, but not often.


  • Hang in there. We're working on things, but trying to stick to priorities. Things like this are hard to figure out sometimes since there are different opinions, but these are great suggestions.

  • The quick reply idea had been suggested to me earlier, just haven't gotten to it.

  • To DanaH's question on 1/29, is this possibly due to the IE setting at Tools/Internet Options/Advanced/Reuse windows for launching shortcuts?

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