How would I do this join?

  • Hi, I have 2 tables, JobApplicants and OpenPositions.

    JobApplicants looks something like this:

    Name               fkFirstChoice             fkSecondChoice

    Joe                  1                            2

    Henry               2                            4


    OpenPositions looks something like

    pkPositionID                           PositionTitle

    1                                         Engineer

    2                                         Programmer

    3                                         ProjectManager

    4                                         Accountant


    How would I write a query that would give me output like this?

    Name                      FirstChoice                  SecondChoice

    Joe                         Engineer                     Programmer

    Henry                      Programmer                 Accountant




  • Select


      op1.PositionTitle As FirstChoice,

      op2.PositionTitle As SecondChoice

    From JobApplicants As ja

    Inner Join OpenPositions As op1

      On ( ja.fkFirstChoice = op1.pkPositionID )

    Inner Join OpenPositions As op2

      On ( ja.fkSecondChoice = op2.pkPositionID )

    (The above is based on the unstated requirement that everyone selects 2 choices)


    Are you sure you should be using Hungarian notation (or some derivation thereof) in column names ?

  • Here is another way probably a little faster, using a function

    select Name, dbo.PosTitle(fkfirstChoice), dbo.PosTitle(fkSecondChoice)

    from JobApplicants

    create function dbo.PosTitle(@Choice int)

    returns varchar(50)



    declare @Title varchar(50)

     Select @Title = PositionTitle from OpenPosition where pkPositionID=@Choice


    Return (@Title)





  • Thanks Ben.  That worked beautifully.


  • Yes. it worked.

    Then along comes your manager and says, "Hey, we need to add a flag to indicate if a position is management or not and we need to add a flag for full-time versus contract. We need to see if applicants are choosing management positions, or if they prefer full-time to contract. How long will it take you to modify the report for me ?"

    Now you realise that you need new columns in your result set but ... uh-oh, you chose a technical solution that uses a function to return a single scalar value.

    What do you do ? Code 2 new functions to return IsManagement and IsFullTimePosition ? Or realise that the correct technical solution is a simple relational join and not a function ?


  •  Select


      op1.PositionTitle As FirstChoice,

      op2.PositionTitle As SecondChoice

    From JobApplicants As ja

    Inner Join OpenPositions As op1

      On ( ja.fkFirstChoice = op1.pkPositionID )

    Inner Join OpenPositions As op2

      On ( ja.fkSecondChoice = op2.pkPositionID )

    (The above is based on the unstated requirement that everyone selects 2 choices)


    As you stated, the select works fine if everyone makes two choices.  However it fails if someone makes only one choice.  Debating the reasons why that would or would not happen is not important - it's enough to say that if the person has no second choice then the second join fails and the record for that person is omitted from the result set.

    As a minimum I think you need an outer join for the second choice.  You should probably use an outer join for the first choice, too, just to cover all the bases.



      op1.PositionTitle As FirstChoice,

      op2.PositionTitle As SecondChoice

    From JobApplicants As ja

    Left Outer Join OpenPositions As op1

      On ( ja.fkFirstChoice = op1.pkPositionID )

    Left Outer Join OpenPositions As op2

      On ( ja.fkSecondChoice = op2.pkPositionID )


  • Exactly. And neither of our solutions are technically correct because neither of us have seen the requirements. Maybe a Null 2nd choice represents an incomplete, or in-progress state and shouldn't be included in reports ?

    You could further argue the what-ifs of future requirements of a 3rd choice, then a 4th choice and whether the design is appropriate. Maybe an intersect table with a preference ranking assigned to each Applicant/Position key pair ?


  • You guys are awesome.  I love this debate.  In reality, a second choice is not a requirement.


  • Actually it's not a requirement yet...

    That's how you should think about your db when you design it.

  • Really ?

    So even though there's no stated requirement for a 3rd, 4th, 5th choice, you'd lock yourself into a design that uses repeating columns of the same foreign key, rather than normalizing out to an intersect table ?

    I guess if you don't think that way when designing your DB you at least guarantee job security when the inevitable requirements changes force you to re-design the DB and write code for migration scripts for previously entered data.


  • Sorry I spoke too soon... what I meant to say is that I would make another table with the choices (maybe with a priority column) to allow for unlimited numbers and make a query with a single join to fetch the data.

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