Using Windows or SQL Authentication

  • We currently use SQL Server authentication for all our DTS connections. This has become a burden when moving packages from development to QA to production. We recently began using UDL connections to allieviate the password difference but this requires the same physical location for the UDL on all servers.

    We are considering using OLE-DB connections once again with Windows Authentication instead of SQL Server.

    Has anyone come across problems when using Windows Authentication for DTS processing? For instance, executing from SQL Server Agent or with a DTSRUN command.

  • Just so long as your SQL Server Agent account has the correct access into the database and for the procedures etc that you are attempting to run against you should see no problem. I always use the Windows account fo rmy DTS.

    Shamless self promotion - read my blog

  • Thanks for your feedback!

    Since I have not heard any negative responses, we will try out this option.

    Thanks once again...

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