• How can I take the following CODE and make it loop to get 52 weeks of sales history ?


    SELECT COUNT(orderno) AS NumberofTotalOrders, SUM(shipitemcount) AS


    FROM [order-header]

    WHERE (entrydate >= '20010101') AND (entrydate <= '+7')



    End Result

    Start         End     # of Orders     # of Pieces

    02/01/04 02/07/04      1,555            406

    02/08/04 02/14/04      1,233            434

    02/15/04 02/21/04      1,253            436

    02/22/04 02/28/04      1,546            442

  • Maybe something like this will help - calculate week number and then group on that - no looping required.


    (datediff(d,'2001-01-01',entrydate) / 7 + 1) as week

    COUNT(orderno) AS NumberofTotalOrders,

    SUM(shipitemcount) AS NumberofTotalPieces

    FROM [order-header]

    WHERE (entrydate >= '20010101') AND (entrydate <= '2001-31-12')

    group by (datediff(d,'2001-01-01',entrydate) / 7 + 1)

    order by 1 --saves writing out the entire datediff expression again!



    The absence of evidence is not evidence of absence
    - Martin Rees
    The absence of consumable DDL, sample data and desired results is, however, evidence of the absence of my response
    - Phil Parkin

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