Dynamically Changing the Destination Excel File

  • HI,

    I want to write a DTS package, which will create an Excel file. I am using a stored procedure in SQL server as the source. Based on a parameter, the Stored procedure will return different set of columns. How can I create a DTS job, which will create the Excel file dynamically based on the Columns returned by stored procedure. Can any one help me.


  • Based on that I would write a simple VB Script to do the work and put in an Active Script in the package. Sorry don't have an example right off thou.

  • Thanks,

    Do you mean to, write a Vb script and connect using ADO and explicitly write into excell file?

    I tried creating a Activex Script for transfomrations. Did the column to column mapping individually for different cases. But it is not working.


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