Port numbers for named instances

  • We are running SQL 2K on a cluster.

    We have various application that connect to a named instance of SQL via a JDBC connector and these are using the convention server:port number

    This is all working fine UNTIL :-

    We failed over the cluster and when the SQL restarted, it used a different port number on SQL server. This then caused all our connections to stop working.

    Is there a way to connect SQL to a FIXED port number for a given instance.

  • Have you tried use server network utility to fix the port number?

    Did you say SQL Server uses different port after fail-over?

    Edited by - allen_cui on 09/10/2003 09:07:21 AM

  • The port number has been specified in Network Utility.

    SQL seems to have changed to a different port after the failover

  • I've reviewed these and do not think they apply in this case.

    The server is currently only running SQL and no other application. I have looked at the sql error logs for when SQL was shut down and when it restarted and the first log shows SQL listening on port 1229 and the second shows port 2699. The network utility also shows that the port being used has changed.

    My understanding was that this should not be the case.

  • I have never see these in my clustered SQL Serers, either default or named instances.

    Try to fail-over back to see which port the SQL Server is going to use.

  • before you fail back check its portno.

    with this script. Don't know where i've downloaded it from(author is mentioned), but it does the job.

    then fail back and run it again. It should give the same results !

    -- This script will get the listening port of the

    -- SQL Server, useful for multiple instance servers

    -- Vijay Anisetti

    set nocount on



    token varchar(100),

    value varchar(20))


    DECLARE @inst varchar(200)

    DECLARE @inst1 varchar(100)

    --Determine registry path and key

    IF(charindex('\',@@servername) > 0)


    SELECT @inst = substring(@@servername,charindex('\',@@servername) ,50)

    SELECT @inst = 'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server'+@inst+'\MSSQLServer\SuperSocketNetLib\Tcp'

    --SELECT @inst1 = 'TcpDynamicPorts'

    SELECT @inst1 = 'TcpPort'




    if SUBSTRING(@@VERSION,23,1) = '7'


    SELECT @inst = 'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\MSSQLServer\Client\SuperSocketNetLib\VIA'

    SELECT @inst1 = 'DefaultServerPort'




    SELECT @inst = 'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\MSSQLServer\Client\SuperSocketNetLib\Tcp'

    SELECT @inst1 = 'DefaultPort'



    print @inst + '\\\\////'+ @inst1

    INSERT #GetPort

    EXEC master..xp_regread 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE', @inst, @inst1

    SELECT substring(@@servername,1,25) as ServerName, value as port FROM #GetPort

    DROP TABLE #GetPort


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  • I've found TCPView from sysinternals (freeware) to be a very useful tool in troubleshooting TCP port conflicts. It lists the process and port number being used by each running process on the machine.


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