Help with CASE

  • I have written the following CASE statement for SQL7 which works fine but I would like to add the "year" on the expression2. Is there a way, could you advise?

    SELECT year(BillingDate)+ "Calendar Month" = ---- this option1 does not work or


      WHEN DATEPART(month, BillingDate) = 1 THEN "January" +DATEPART(year, BillingDate)----this option2 does not work either

      WHEN DATEPART(month, BillingDate) = 2 THEN "February" 



     SUM(Quantity) AS "Hours", SUM(AmountRemaining) AS "Amount Billed"

     FROM ppa_Billings

     WHERE EmplyCode = 'SVA540' AND ApplyToTransType = 'L'

    AND (BillingDate BETWEEN '2003-10-01' AND '2004-08-31') AND TransType = 'B'

    AND Client = 'HAEBE001' AND Project = 'SENL00373'

    GROUP BY DATEPART(month, BillingDate)

    I am trying to achieve something like:

    Calendar Month      Hours      Amount Billed

    January 2003          5              5000


    but I cant get the year date out of it.



  • Something like this might do the trick:

    SELECT datename(month, BillingDate) + ' '

           + datename(year, BillingDate) AS 'Calendar Month',  

           SUM(Quantity) AS 'Hours',

           SUM(AmountRemaining) AS 'Amount Billed'

      FROM ppa_Billings

    GROUP BY datename(month, BillingDate) + ' '

           + datename(year, BillingDate)

    The datepart function returns an integer, and this cannot be concatenated with a string (varchar value) unless converted. In the example above I've used datename (returns varchar), which I find to be a simpler solution in this case.

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