Can't see datbase in Enterprise manager

  • changed my password today and now I can no longer see any of the servers I had registered in Enterprise Manager. Other then changing back my password back, does anyone have a suggestion?

    Stacey W. A. Gregerson

    Stacey W. A. Gregerson

  • Odd. Can you run through the Server Registration wizard again? That would be the only thing I could suggest trying.

    Still, very odd.




    “He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain that which he cannot lose” - Jim Elliot

  • I've never heard of a change of password having such an effect. Your Windows account didn't change at all did it? Eg. Account deleted and then added back in with the same name? Or maybe account moved to another domain?


    - Mark

    - Mark

  • No my account did not change. I am an Admin on my PC. I can go into Rededt32 and see the servers listed in the keys in several locations. This is just strange.

    Stacey W. A. Gregerson

    Stacey W. A. Gregerson

  • Are the keys stored under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\....\Registered Servers X, or under HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\....\Registered Servers X?

    If the former then your EM options (Tools/Options) should have "Read/Store user independent" unchecked. If the latter then it should be checked.

    Or maybe even you have "Read from remote" selected?


    - Mark

    - Mark

  • If you are using windows authentication the background server processes on your machine (assume you have a server instance on your machine) will probably have been set up with your login and password.

    If you have already changed your password (logged off and back on), these services will fail to start, so look in control panel/services and double click the MSSQLSERVER service and change the passwords to your new password.

    You will also find a SQLSERVERAGENT entry that requires changing.

    If you have not yet changed your password you can change these settings in Enterprise Manager.

    First, under Tools/SQL Server Configuration Properties, select the Security tab and change the password settings to your new password.

    Second, under the database/Management branch/SQL Server Agent (right click) properties you can change the password to your new password under the general tab.

    I think 🙂

  • Are you running XP? I ask this for two reasons:

    1. A friend of mine (also running XP) had exactly the same problem and it drove him nuts.

    2. The other day when I changed a password on an XP loaded laptop, XP informed me that if I continued with the change, all my saved passwords for web sites would be lost.

    FYI: The presence of data under the Registered Servers key means very little in the great scheme of things. Adding entries manually using regedt32/regedit is a wasteful exercise because the EM snapin will not display them.


  • Thank you for all of your responses. You are correct. I am running XP. And changing the reg. does not work. I am working with our friends at Microsoft to come up with a solution for the next time this happens.

    I do know that if I change my password back it, everything is visible again.

    Thanks again for your help.

    Stacey W. A. Gregerson

    Stacey W. A. Gregerson

  • I did a bit o' googling & came up with this:

    Big Bang posted a message regarding XP, SP1, Domain Controllers and a registry hack that's archived here :

    Basially, he suggests adding the following key post XP SP1:


    Type: REG_DWORD

    Value: 00000001

    In addition, Microsoft have published a KB article Q323280 that also describes the behavior you're seeing. This article describes a bug that's been fixed in SP3 (SP3a).



    Edited by - tigger on 08/05/2003 06:33:14 AM

  • I have once seen this behaviour when a transaction log has filled the hard disk on which the SQL databases are stored.. could this be the case here?

  • I don't think so. When the transaction log is full, your database will not be operational which is why you can't access it through EM...

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