installing sql

  • i am trying to install sql to connect to a database. it is a NT machine. the error that came up is "error occurred while creating one or more registry entries. See C:\\WINNT\\\sqlstp.log. The problem could be caused by a low registry quota condition"

    I want to install SQL to hit the databases and run query anaylzer. I have done it before on a NT machine

  • I'm not sure I completely understand you, so...

    Are you saying you already have SQL Server databases and that you just want to be able to connect to them?

    If so, you should ONLY be installing the CLIENT TOOLS. During the install you will be asked what you want to install and that will be one of the options. The CLIENT TOOLS include Enterprise Manager and Query Analyzer.


  • I run the installer, click SQL Server 2000 Componets and then click Install Database Server (not Anaylsis services). Then i get an error...

    "Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Standard Edition Server compenent is not support on this OS only client components will be available for installation."

    So yeah all i can get is client components(tools).

  • Query Analyzer is part of the client tools. As SQLBill has said, if you just want the tools to connect to SQL Server (and not a whole new SQL Server itself) you only want the client tools. Check the size of your registry and its max value. See if they are fairly close to each other. If they are, up the max size of your registry a smidgen. Also, you may want to post the lines of your logfile indicating the error. It could also be a permissions issue.

    K. Brian Kelley

    Author: Start to Finish Guide to SQL Server Performance Monitoring

    Edited by - bkelley on 06/18/2003 12:53:42 PM

    K. Brian Kelley

  • wehre do i find the registry to change it? i will post the log tomorrow. thanks

  • Quick note: the NT box needs at least SP5.


    Everett Wilson

  • thanks weilson i have sp6, 🙂

  • Hi,

    It seems that you (the logged account) can't edit the registry.

    Try to install the MSSQL client tools with an account that can edit the registry (such as administrator or poweruser), or ask an administrator to upset your account privileges


  • Nevermind this , i will use PC Anywhere to hit the server instead of installing Query Analzyer , thanks


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