Conditional logic in DTS workflow?

  • I have a DTS package that loads a SQL table from a CSV file. I can't guarantee that the primary key fields contain no dups, so I've built in steps to load a table with no PK Unique Constraint, check for dups in the PK column, delete the dups then load the real table from the cleaned up table.

    My problem comes in when I want to detect whether or not there are duplicates so I can save that info and email it to the people providing the data so they can make corrections for future runs. The only way I've come up with is an ActiveX task that looks at the duplicate count and Succeeds if it's >0 and Fails if it's =0. If it's =0 I skip the Delete Duplicates and load the table. If it's >0 then I extract the info on the duplicates, email it, delete the duplicates then load the table.

    This is all working fine except for one thing: The entire package reports a failure because I generated a Failure in the ActiveX to effect the workflow.

    Is there a better way to do this? I thought about taking all the processing post-ActiveX and putting it into sub-packages, then having the ActiveX modify the sub-package name in the Execute Package step. This way the ActiveX always "Succeeds" and no errors are reported. This seems a bit obtuse and overly complex. Any other suggestions for implementing workflow without generating package level errors would be greatly appreciated.



  • This sounds like it could be handled in a stored procedure.  Check for dups in a SQL statement in the procedure.  If they exist, call another stored procedure to email them.  Off the top of my head, I don't see a need to fail a step, since you want to continue "successfully" either way.




  • I do stuff like this a lot. I get data in from a multitude of outside sources. These sources aren't always reliable, so I have QA checks built into all of my dts packages that check to see what data they sent me and email me an alert telling me if they sent everything or if they left part of it out, and stuff like that.

    The way I do it is to send the mail directly from the ActiveX task. Then I just move on to the next step. Here an example showing you what I mean. It checks an ftp site and reports back what files were sent and also verifies that the mapped drive to our photo server is accessible.



    '  Visual Basic ActiveX Script


    Function Main()

     Dim objFSO

     Dim objFolder

     Dim objFiles

     Dim objFile

     Dim objDrive

     Dim objConn

     Dim strPath : strPath = "\\FTPServer\ftp$\grar\"

     Dim strConn : strConn = "Driver={SQL Server};Server=MyServer; Database=Master;Trusted_Connection=YES"

     Dim strMessage

     Dim strRecipients : strRecipients = ""

     Dim strSubject : strSubject = "GRAR FTP Site Data QA"

     Dim strPhotoDrive : strPhotoDrive = "N:"

     Dim strSQL

     Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

     Set objFolder = objFSO.GetFolder(strPath)

     Set objFiles = ObjFolder.Files

     strMessage = "The following Files are on the ftp site:" & vbCrLf

     strMessage = strMessage & "File Name" & vbTab & vbTab & "File Size" & vbTab & "Date Created" & vbTab & vbTab & "Date Modified" & vbCrLf

     strMessage = strMessage & String(70, "-") & vbCrLf

     For each objFile in objFiles

      strMessage = strMessage & objFile.Name & vbTab & objFile.Size & vbTab & objFile.DateCreated & vbTab & objFile.DateLastModified & vbCrLf


     Set objFile = nothing

     Set objFiles = nothing

     strMessage = strMessage & vbCrLf

     If ObjFSO.DriveExists(strPhotoDrive) Then

      Set objDrive = objFSO.GetDrive(objFSO.GetDriveName(strPhotoDrive))

      strMessage = strMessage & "Mapped drive ( " & strPhotoDrive & " -- " & objDrive.ShareName & " ) to PhotoServer exists." & vbCrLf


      strMessage = strMessage & "Mapped drive ( " & strPhotoDrive & " ) to PhotoServer DOES NOT EXIST." & vbCrLf

     End If


     Set objDrive = nothing

     Set objFSO = nothing

     strMessage = strMessage & vbCrLf

     Set objConn = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")

     objConn.ConnectionString = strConn

     objConn.Open strConn

     strSQL = "Exec Master.dbo.xp_SendMail @recipients='" & strRecipients & "', @subject='" & strSubject & "', @message='" & strMessage & "'"



     set objConn = nothing

     Main = DTSTaskExecResult_Success

    End Function

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  • This might work. I suppose I can do all the duplicate record handling in the ActiveX: If duplicate_count>0 then select the duplicate info, build the email, send it then delete the dups and return success, otherwise just return success and don't have any of the "duplicate" code in the DTS workflow....


  • Use ActiveX workflow script to stop processing if duplicate_count>0 by setting

    Main = DTSStepScriptResult_DontExecuteTask


    Far away is close at hand in the images of elsewhere.

  • I don't want to stop processing, I want to branch around a set of tasks that are run only if duplicates are present, and resume processing at the next task common to both workflows. Sort of an "if-then-else" capability.



  • Check out this article,


    Colt 45 - the original point and click interface

  • The suggestion presented would work, but as to your question about conditional logic in DTS, yes, there is a way. What you have to do is have the active-x step not connected to the next 2 possible steps by a success/failure/complete. Have the next 2 steps disabled under workflow/workflow properties. In your conditional active-x step you will have an if then or some conditional logic that will in turn dynamically enable one of the next steps. At the end of the package just have an active-x script to clean up by making both the earlier steps disabled again. To do this you need script that modifies the properties of the steps.


    '  Visual Basic ActiveX Script


    Function Main()

    set pak = dtsglobalvariables.parent

    set step1 = pak.steps("DTSStep_DTSExecuteSQLTask_6")

    set prop1 ="DisableStep")

    prop1.value = "False"

    Main = DTSTaskExecResult_Success

    End Function

    This just shows how to enable the tasks step that has the step name DTSStep_DTSExecuteSQLTask_6. Keep in mind that the step name is different from the the task name, and each task has an associated step. If you are unsure what the step name is for a given task they just go in order with the first one named DTSStep_DTSType_#, but you can always check properties like the name through the dynamic properties task. This might seem cumbersome, but if you are considering using the ole file object and such this is no more complicated then that. Besides being able to dynamically modify properties of steps and tasks in DTS is where the real power of the software lies.

  • Interesting way to do it. I don't think it's ideal for this particular instance, but I can think of some instances where it would be ideal. For example, if a data source sends me 5 ftp files every night, but ocassionally only sends me 4, I might want to disable the import step for the missing file so that it doesn't generate an error.

    Good tip.

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  • Interesting idea Tobie, but it wouldn't really work in my particular situation. I have a package that has a workflow like A->B->C->D->E. At step C I want to look at the # of records in a view and, if > 0 then run step C1, and then continue with step D. I think perhaps the best answer for me in this case is a combination of several of the above recommendations: Since step C is already an ActiveX task using VBScript I can look at the recordcount, if >0 then execute a child package containing just step C1 and then continue on the Success path with no problems.


  • It may not be ideal for your case, but with the logic I proposed it is easy to go from A,B conditional B1 B2,C where you would skip B1 and B2 if the the condition was met. It's just a different paradigm than what you are use to with using the task flow connectors.



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