Insert errors on SQL 2000

  • I have a SQL Server that is used to create a Log of Transmission and receptions sent over a wireless network. Occassionally there are alarms from the application saying that it cannot write to the database server. The developer who manages it says that he gets a Exception error.

    I have tried to monitor the database for blocking , space issues and any other errors in the error log . There are none. I tried inserting a dummy record from the backend and it succeed . Not only did that happen, It also cleared the problem and application started inserting again. It left me with a lot of unanswered qauestions.

    I do run update stats on the database nightly and recently archived about one month worth of data .

    On a few occassions archiving data, running update stats or inserting a dummy record seemed to help, But Now nothing helps.

    The application is designed in such a way that when it gets a exception error, it disconnects and tries to reconnect to the database. I cant see the connection consistently and this makes it hard to bebug.

    Any ideas ? suggestions ? Thanks much for all the help.

    Regards, PriyaDarshini

  • Where have the insert statements being written?

    In the stored procedures or on the client side?

    He who knows others is learned but the wise one is one who knows himself.

    He who knows others is learned but the wise one is one who knows himself.

  • Just a quick one to check...

    I had somthing similar and was having a load of problems finding out exactly what it was. Found it one night when I had left a terminal services connection open to the DB server which had been disconnected for some reason.

    Further investigation led me to find the network card was faulty. It wasnt reporting any errors and worked fine most of the time, it was an intermititent network problem. Replaced the card and all was fine!

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